RT @MarianoGiustino@twitter.com
L'europarlamentare olandese @thijsreuten@twitter.com ha presentato emendamento al Parlamento europeo con cui si chiede l'inserimento delle #IRGC nella lista delle organizzazioni terroristiche
Mercoledì 17 gennaio alle 12 ci sarà la votazione
#MahsaaAmini #IranRevoIution #Iran
#irgc #mahsaaamini #IranRevoIution #iran
RT @Khani2Mina@twitter.com
Iran.Das Bild des Tages!
Auf der Banner steht: Im Namen der Töchter des Sonnenlandes!
Eine Frau die drauf am Banner auf der Höhe in der Autobahn steht und „Viva“ zeigt.
Jina #MahsaaAmini
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Khani2Mina/status/1612484636361297920
#IranRevoIution #IranRevoIution2023
RT @Khani2Mina@twitter.com
Iran.Das Bild des Tages!
Auf der Banner steht: Im Namen der Töchter des Sonnenlandes!
Eine Frau die drauf am Banner auf der Höhe in der Autobahn steht und „Viva“ zeigt.
Jina #MahsaaAmini
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Khani2Mina/status/1612484636361297920
#iranrevolution #mahsaaamini #iranrevoiution2023 #iranrevoiution
Iran.Das Bild des Tages!
Auf der Banner steht: Im Namen der Töchter des Sonnenlandes!
Eine Frau die drauf am Banner auf der Höhe in der Autobahn steht und „Viva“ zeigt.
Jina #MahsaaAmini
#IranRevolution • Quelle: https://nitter.grimneko.de/Khani2Mina/status/1612484636361297920#m
RT @Terphuis@twitter.com
Nee @MinPres@twitter.com ZWIJGEN kan echt niet meer; doorbreek de stilte en kom met daden. #MahsaaAmini #WomanLifeFreedom https://twitter.com/bijan63/status/1611690804455608320
#mahsaaamini #womanlifefreedom
RT @senateur61
#ElhamModarresi #ElhamModaresi went on food strike on January 2 to show her protest against the horrifying conditions in prison, lack of access to medical care,and a lawyer.
She is suffering from liver disease the hunger strike will put her life in a greater danger #MahsaaAmini
#mahsaaamini #elhammodaresi #elhammodarresi
#Iran #MahsaaAmini #IranRevoIution
Habe gerade eine Email an info@igfm (Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte) geschrieben und um die Vermittlung einer Patenschaft für eine von Hinrichtung bedrohte Person im Iran gebeten.
#Iran #mahsaaamini #IranRevoIution
#ElhamAfkari sister of Navid Afkari sentenced to 5 years
#IranRevolution #FreeIran #IranRevoIution2022 #MahsaaAmini #مهسا_امینی
#elhamafkari #iranrevolution #freeiran #iranrevoiution2022 #mahsaaamini #مهسا_امینی
RT @FraktionGruenBW@twitter.com
Am 16. September 2022 wurde die 22-jährige #MahsaaAmini verhaftet, weil sie das Kopftuch angeblich nicht vorschriftsgemäß getragen hatte. Sie wurde in der Haft von der iranischen Sittenpolizei schwer misshandelt und verstarb an ihren Verletzungen. (1/6) #IranRevoIution
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FraktionGruenBW/status/1605248430313537543
RT @chipochung@twitter.com
The allyship of Iranian men is truly moving. The courage of women bearing their hair is both humbling and terrifying. #StopExecutionInIran of this awe-inspiring generation #WomenLifeFreedom #MahsaaAmini https://twitter.com/justchangingun/status/1602147744742866945
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/chipochung/status/1602290712057454592
#mahsaaamini #WomenLifeFreedom #stopexecutioniniran
RT @AlinejadMasih@twitter.com
The Islamic Republic of Iran has been removed from the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women!
This is a victory for Iranian revolutionaries who have been facing guns & bullets as they fight this gender apartheid state.
This is the flame of #IranRevoIution lit by #MahsaaAmini
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/status/1603071338884775942
RT @AlinejadMasih@twitter.com
The Islamic Republic of Iran has been removed from the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women!
This is a victory for Iranian revolutionaries who have been facing guns & bullets as they fight this gender apartheid state.
This is the flame of #IranRevoIution lit by #MahsaaAmini
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/status/1603071338884775942
RT @RpsAgainstTrump@twitter.com
BREAKING: The oppressive Islamic Republic of Iran has been expelled from the U.N. Women Rights Commission.
Glory to the brave women of Iran.
#IranRevoIution #MahsaaAmini
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RpsAgainstTrump/status/1603075371712532480
The Islamic Republic of Iran has been removed from the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women!
This is a victory for Iranian revolutionaries who have been facing guns & bullets as they fight this gender apartheid state.
This is the flame of #IranRevoIution lit by #MahsaaAmini • Source: https://nitter.grimneko.de/AlinejadMasih/status/1603071338884775942#m
Family of #MahanSadrat confirmed his execution order is postponed, for now
#IranRevolution #FreeIran #IranRevoIution2022 #MahsaaAmini #مهسا_امینی
#iranrevolution #freeiran #iranrevoiution2022 #mahsaaamini #مهسا_امینی #mahansadrat
Protests are planned in Iran this Saturday for #MohsenShekari
#IranRevolution #FreeIran #IranRevoIution2022 #MahsaaAmini #مهسا_امینی
#mohsenshekari #iranrevolution #freeiran #iranrevoiution2022 #mahsaaamini #مهسا_امینی
RT @EBjerkrheim@twitter.com
To unge kvinder #MahsaaAmini og #ZohrehMaleki ønskede begge et liv i frihed. Nu vil Danmark sende Zohreh tilbage til det samme regime, som hun flygtede fra, og som dræbte Mahsaa Amini 💔 Det må ikke ske 🙏🏻 #kvindelivfrihed #IranRevolution2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EBjerkrheim/status/1600952387375890434
#iranrevolution2022 #kvindelivfrihed #zohrehmaleki #mahsaaamini
RT @Bijan63@twitter.com
Mooi om te zien hoe de positie van vrouwen in de Iraanse samenleving verandert:
Deze man beledigt een vrouw in de metro van Teheran.
Passagiers gooien hem uit de metro ❤️👏
#MahsaaAmini #IranRevoIution
RT @MarianoGiustino
Pars University of Art and Architecture a #Tehran : gli studenti protestano contro il regime. #MahsaaAmini #IranRevolution
#tehran #mahsaaamini #IranRevolution
RT @MarianoGiustino
Gli studenti della #AllamehTabataba'iUniversity protestano contro il regime e gridano "Gli studenti sono svegli e odiano la tirannia" #MahsaaAmini #IranRevolution
#allamehtabataba #mahsaaamini #IranRevolution