RT @BahaiBIC@twitter.com
While #Iranians are sacrificing themselves demanding equality and justice, Iran's sham revolutionary court system makes a mockery of the word justice, today sentencing #Mahvash & #Fariba to 10 years jail.
#iranians #mahvash #Fariba #freeFariba #freemahvash
RT @JordiHamadi@twitter.com
Mientras #Iranians se sacrifican exigiendo igualdad y justicia, el falso sistema judicial revolucionario de Irán se burla de la palabra justicia, condenando hoy a #Mahvash y #Fariba a 10 años de cárcel.
#FreeFariba #FreeMahvash https://twitter.com/bahaibic/status/1601918963281457160
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JordiHamadi/status/1602043203082919937
#iranians #mahvash #Fariba #freeFariba #freemahvash