Bombshell: NATO Says “War Started in 2014”. “Fake Pretext” to Wage War against Russia? To Invoke Article 5 of Atlantic Treaty?
#Russia #war #USA #us #nato #ukraine #hisrory #Maidan #Nuland #Tyahnybok #Yatseniuk #ukrainian #nazism #nazi #neo-nazi #Azov
#azov #neo #nazi #nazism #ukrainian #yatseniuk #tyahnybok #nuland #maidan #hisrory #Ukraine #nato #us #USA #war #russia
Finally, the only restaurant that Bourdain visited that is still open is a staple street food in #Kyiv.
One of the few to be "overwhelmingly Kyivian," says Druziuk, who met up with Will to share the hot dog-esque guilty pleasure.
‘Kyivska Perepichka’ is a small window on a busy street near #Maidan #Nezalezhnosti, the central square in Kyiv, that serves a #Ukrainian delicacy known as Perepichka, which is a hot dog wrapped in dough and then fried.
#kyiv #maidan #nezalezhnosti #ukrainian
It was before the popular assertiveness of the #Maidan protests in 2014, before the #Russian annexation of #Crimea, before the full-scale invasion.
The episode that he made reflected that, complete with an emphasis on borsch, vodka, and nostalgia for the victory over Nazi Germany.
While it's a bit uncomfortable to watch today, given the Russian full-fledged invasion, comparing Ukraine from then to now shows just how far national identity has come since its independence in '91 and this episode.
#US diplomats visits Niger to meet coup leaders, push for Bazoum release
Victoria Nuland, the #Maidan coup maestro, calls for ‘constitutional order’ in Niger.
Fucking western hypocrisy
Niger’s antiimperialist revolution rejects a diplomatic visit by regional and #UN officials over ‘atmosphere of menace’
#Nuland #Niger #us #maidan #un
Agent Zelensky
#anti-Russia #russophobia #failstate #ukraine #history #vassalage #oligarchy #ukrainian #president #zelensky is #showman with #lie and #corruption #Maidan #britain #USA #nato #CIA #MI-6 #sbu support #terrorism #mindmanipulation #psyop #politics #fraud #nazism #kolomoisky
#kolomoisky #nazism #fraud #politics #psyop #mindmanipulation #terrorism #SBU #mi #cia #nato #USA #britain #maidan #corruption #lie #showman #zelensky #president #ukrainian #oligarchy #vassalage #history #Ukraine #failstate #russophobia #anti
If the protests in #Belarus had've been successful and chased #Lukashenko out of the country, right now there would be thousands of #tankies screaming about a 'western-backed coup'
Instead they're silent about the fact that #Putin sent reinforcements to help brutalize the population and imprison and torture journalists. And by extension that they wished the same for #Ukraine during the #Maidan revolution
#maidan #Ukraine #putin #tankies #lukashenko #Belarus
At #Maidan, honoring heroes fallen for freedom. Each flag has a name of a shattered life. After many interesting meetings in #Kiev I am impressed by Ukrainians resilience & resolve to liberate 🇺🇦 from 🇷🇺 aggressor.With our sustained support they can win. #supportukraine #Ukraine
#maidan #Kiev #SupportUkraine #Ukraine
@georgelakoff 1) I’ve known how networked players work since I stumbled on the Russian #troll farm in 2014. I was following events in #Ukraine (#Maidan, the fleeing of the Pres, the new #democratic elections). I used a list of relevant keywords, plugged them into #tweetdeck. After my day was done in #SiliconValley, I’d browse. When workers arrived to the office in St Petersburg, I saw 100s of the same tweet come from 100s of #sockpuppet accounts simultaneously, flooding #Twitter.
#troll #ukraine #maidan #democratic #tweetdeck #siliconvalley #sockpuppet #Twitter
@tagesschau Und so ein Bericht wird es dann auch geben, wenn es um die historische Einordnung um die #Ukraine geht - Stichwort #Maidan und #NATO Versagen...die Fehler sind ja jetzt schon offensichtlich
Since the West-backed #Maidan Putsch seized power in Ukraine in 2014, they have embarked on a massive de-Russification and pro-Banderization campaign, tearing down statues and monuments, replacing plaques, and renaming towns and streets – getting rid of anything dedicated to Russians and Soviets, and frequently erecting honours and memorials to WW2 era West Ukrainian Nazi collaborators.
Wie ukrainische Nazis am 2. Mai 2014 in Odessa über 40 Menschen ermordet haben #Hintergrundanalysen #AlleBeiträge #Jahrestag #Massaker #Neonazis #Ukraine #Maidan #Odessa #Buch
#buch #odessa #maidan #ukraine #neonazis #massaker #jahrestag #allebeitrage #hintergrundanalysen
Ex-US-Präsident Trump warnt vor Drittem Weltkrieg und bestätigt US-Beteiligung am Maidan-Putsch #DritterWeltkrieg #US-Beteiligung #Maidan-Putsch #Nachrichten #Russland #NATO #USA
#usa #nato #russland #nachrichten #maidan #us #dritterweltkrieg
#Maidan (2014)
Maidan 2014 - A chronicle of the civil uprising against the regime of president #Yanukovych that took place in Kyiv, Ukraine in the winter of 2013-14 The film follows the progress of the revolution from peaceful rallies, half a million strong, in the Maidan square, to the bloody street battles between protesters and riot police
Michael Holmes machte sich auf den Weg nach #Kiew, um seinen Freund Alex zu besuchen, der einst auf dem #Maidan demonstrierte. In der #Ukraine erlebt er eine überwältigende Solidarität und zugleich eine Intoleranz gegenüber anderen Meinungen. „Die Ukraine ist zweifellos demokratischer als #Russland. Aber die junge Demokratie schwebt in Gefahr“, mein der nd-Autor.
#russland #ukraine #maidan #kiew
Im letzten Jahr begann #Putin seinen Angriffskrieg auf die #Ukraine. 🇺🇦
Hätte der Westen nicht spätestens nach der Annexion der Krim 2014 reagieren müssen?
Der #Doku-Dreiteiler beleuchtet den Umgang der westlichen Regierungen mit #Russland im letzten Jahrzehnt:
📽️ Wer ist Wladimir Putin?
-Der Testlauf (1/3)
#Maidan #Krim #Donbas
-Die Kehrtwende (2/3)
-Alles auf eine Karte (3/3)
#Nowitschok #Diplomatie
#putin #ukraine #doku #russland #maidan #Krim #donbas #syrien #nowitschok #diplomatie
This doesn't seem to agree with the history taught in the West
RT @I_Katchanovski
My Maidan massacre article is accepted by major peer-reviewed journal: Revelations from trial & investigation in #Ukraine confirm that #Maidan protesters & police were massacred by snipers in Maidan-controlled buildings with implications for #UkraineWar 1/…
Maidan (2014)
Maidan 2014 - A chronicle of the civil uprising against the regime of president #Yanukovych that took place in Kyiv, #Ukraine in the winter of 2013-14 The film follows the progress of the revolution from peaceful rallies, half a million strong, in the #Maidan square, to the bloody street battles between protesters and riot police.
🗨️ :boost: ⭐ 🔖
One must see the other side.
Die andere Perspektive.
Alina Lipp's 🎥
'Donbass: Auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit'
ℹ️ 📌
#journalists #russia #russland #putin #ukraine #donbass #maidan #zelensky #war #krieg #usa #biden #nato #eu #europa #nordstream #politics #greatreset #who #uno #soros #billgates #deutschland #berlin #prenzlauerberg
#prenzlauerberg #berlin #deutschland #billgates #soros #uno #who #greatreset #politics #nordstream #europa #eu #nato #biden #usa #krieg #war #zelensky #maidan #donbass #ukraine #putin #russland #russia #journalists
Wahre Worte
Mit seinem revolutionären Charakter war der Euromaidan so grundlegend europäisch, dass er sich als zu europäisch für die heutige EU erwies. Die Ukraine schien ein Test zu sein, den Europa nicht bestanden hat.