Maid of Stone 2023 interview: Sons Of Liberty
Maid of Stone was such an amazing experience, an amazing weekend with some good rock music. In amongst it all I had the chance to talk to the amazing Sons of Liberty. However, it was my first ever interview, and as you can imagine it I was very nervous! I enlisted a friend and fellow tog and interviewer ext
#sonsofliberty #maidofstone #interviews
Festival Review: Sunday at Maid of Stone 2023 (Kit)
The final day of the first year of Maid of Stone crashed into action with Death Ingloria opening up the Mai
#GigReviews #Airbourne #BlackSpiders #BraveRival #DeathIngloria #EllesBailey #FlorenceBlack #Hxan #MaidOfStone #PhilCampbellAndTheBastardSons #Skindred #SonsOfLiberty #TheLostSearchParty #TheOutlawOrchestra #UnknownRefuge
#unknownrefuge #theoutlaworchestra #thelostsearchparty #sonsofliberty #skindred #philcampbellandthebastardsons #maidofstone #hxan #florenceblack #ellesbailey #deathingloria #braverival #blackspiders #airbourne #GigReviews
Off the Maid of Stone festival later. Looking forward to checking out Florence Black.
#MaidOfStone #Metal #Maidstone
#Maidstone #metal #maidofstone