I think I've got code which generates numeric IDs for messages within a Maildir or Mbox, where the happy path is a relatively efficient direct-ish lookup of the target message, but enough info is encoded in the ID to recover and do the right thing if the message has moved, changed slightly or been replaced by an imposter.
Along with hooks to notify the calling code that IDs have become inefficient and a re-indexing might be warranted.
I can sleep now.
In Wayne's World we'll go ahead and claim auth is solved.
So how do we start automating things?
Well, automation can be one of two styles (or both) - push or pull/poll based.
From an existing-art perspective, email can be delivered via a file-based or protocol based system. #IMAP and #POP3 are two protocols, and #mbox and #Maildir are two file-based (and clients *may* take delivery from IMAP/POP3 and store them as local files as well).
@soldan uso #mutt desde 2008, es super rápido y cómodo porque edito con #vim, lo tengo configurado para usar #maildir, es decir leo los mails desde el #filesystem, para eso uso #offlineimap para descargar los correos e #imapfilter para filtrarlos
#mutt #vim #maildir #filesystem #offlineimap #imapfilter
Has the world forgotten once again that mbox has not been an "it" since MMDF and S5R4 came along in the 1980s? "They" is the correct pronoun.
And the dots were #SMTP, not mbox.
@alfredohno If there's a #MailingList or something, it might be usable.
I've taken to downloading the #mbox archives of projects, converting them to #maildir and shoving them in #mu so that I can search them with #mu4e more usably.
#mailinglist #mbox #maildir #mu #mu4e
Really happy that #Thunderbird seems to have a future. But why is in version 102 still #mbox the default storage format and not #maildir? #mozilla
#Mozilla #maildir #mbox #Thunderbird
Ugh, I wanna use #maildir instead of mbox, but that basically means "Use Mutt or gtfo"
So I guess I'm good for now.
My Preferred Business #Email Setup With #Thunderbird and #Notmuch (and Why it Doesn't Work) ✉️ :emacs:
#email #thunderbird #Notmuch #publicvoit #emacs #pim #maildir #rant