We'd love to share our journey with you as an indie publishing house.
We specialise in feel-good fantasy. So if you are here for all the happy stories based in a fantasy setting, come join us!
#cosyfantasy #fantasy #books #bookstagram #indiepublishing #mailinglist
#cosyfantasy #fantasy #books #bookstagram #indiepublishing #mailinglist
Plus j'en apprends sur le "email workflow" pour le développement logiciel, plus je l'apprécie.
En fonction des besoins, on ouvre une ou plusieurs liste de discussion:
* Rapports de bugs
* Proposition de patchs
* Aide aux utilisateurices
* Discussions sur le développement du logiciel
Oui, il faut choisir minutieusement un client e-mail qui soit adapté. Mais de la même façon qu'on choisi déjà une forge web.
#mailinglist #developpementlogiciel
Sign up today for our #mailinglist to stay updated on the latest in #EUBankingResolution. 📧
👉 https://www.srb.europa.eu/en/contact
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_SRB/status/1683417231735095296
#mailinglist #EUBankingResolution
#DarkPattern #MailingList #Spams #RGPD
Non, non, je n'ai pas du tout envie d'acheter des bouteilles d'acide... je tiens trop à ma baignoire !
#darkpattern #mailinglist #SPAMs #rgpd
#DarkPattern #MailingList #Spams #RGPD
Le formulaire de dés inscription qui suggère qu'il ne sert à rien et permet d'interroger la base de données d'emails complète pour voir si quelqu'un est inscrit ou pas.
#darkpattern #mailinglist #SPAMs #rgpd
Don’t miss out on the latest in #EUBankingResolution by signing up to our #mailinglist today. 📧
👉 https://www.srb.europa.eu/en/contact https://t.co/vfaK7tTuDf
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_SRB/status/1680911087137615873
#EUBankingResolution #mailinglist
Anyone have a mailing list service recommendation other than Substack?
#newsletter #mailinglist #substack #help
Si voleu estar al dia dels esdeveniments en Calafou podeu subscriure-us a la nostra llista de correu.
Si voleu estar al dia dels esdeveniments en Calafou podeu subscriure-us a les nostres llista de correu.
Any #recommendations for something to manage a #MailingList ? I'm looking into for a friend who sends updates to several dozen customers probably like once a week.
Building a Mailing List With Dan Parsons and Melissa Addey: Beginners Self-Publishing Podcast https://selfpublishingadvice.org/building-a-mailing-list/ #BeginnersSelf-PublishingPodcast #Podcast&video #MelissaAddey #MailingList #DanParsons
#beginnersself #podcast #melissaaddey #mailinglist #DanParsons
#KeinguterNachbar #NoAmazon
#Berlin #Amazon #MyGruniDemo #NoGrokoLauti
Heraus nach Grunewald zum 1. Mai!
Berlin vs Amazon wird dieses Jahr auf der MyGruni-Demo mitlatschen und -reden (No-Groko-Lauti).
Unser Vorschlag:
Wenn #Grunewald erst abgebaggert ist, die Grube einfach mit dem #AmazonTower aufschütten!
Kommt morgen alle raus in den #Grunewald u./oder schließt euch einer der vielen anderen #Veranstaltungen an!
No-amazon #mailinglist - no-amazon@lists.gemeinwohl.berlin
#mailinglist #Berlinvsamazon #veranstaltungen #amazontower #grunewald #nogrokolauti #mygrunidemo #amazon #berlin #noamazon #keinguternachbar
Mail out is about to go out.
It's quite short.
It's been going out monthly since 2011.
It's got
Stories, wonder, Londony stuff and a bit of a laugh.
Sign up for here www.londondreamtime.com/calendar #mailingList #londonDreamtime #rainbow
#mailinglist #londondreamtime #rainbow
Q: Do you have any good comms that ian't bad #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider options?
I.e. #Zulip, #IRC, or a regular #Forum & #Mailinglist?
#mailinglist #forum #IRC #zulip #SingleProvider #singlevendor
Sent out the 100th #poem to the Daily(ish) Poem list today, with a fitting entry by Elizabeth Alexander. "Poetry / is where we are ourselves [...] are we not of interest to each other?" → https://dailyish-poem.wyrdbyword.xyz/ #poem #mailinglist
Mail out is about to go out.
It's quite short.
It's been going out monthly since 2011.
It's got
Stories, wonder, Londony stuff and a bit of a laugh.
Sign up for here www.londondreamtime.com/calendar #mailingList #londonDreamtime #rainbow
#mailinglist #londondreamtime #rainbow
Seeing torvalds@linux-foundation.org appear on mailing list you follow is something different for sure
#linux #linus #torvald #mailinglist
💌 If you receive my newsletter, then you would have seen this a week before I posted this here this morning! If you want to be the first to see my new art, subscribe to the mailing list here: https://linkpop.com/hayleymulch
#illustration #art #mailinglist #newsletter