It's easier to vote if you are white, wealthy, old etc. This isn't random. If our gov can find everyone when it comes time to pay taxes they can find us for universal and automatic voter registration and mail-in voting #Voting #VotingAccess #MailInVoting
#voting #votingaccess #mailinvoting
Election Security: Beyond Mail-In Voting - There are many areas of the election process that criminal hackers can target to influence electio... #electionsecurity #vulnerabilities #electionresults #infosecinsider #infrastructure #securityrisks #josephcarson #mailinvoting #websecurity #government #thycotic #hackers #hacks
#hacks #hackers #thycotic #government #websecurity #mailinvoting #josephcarson #securityrisks #infrastructure #infosecinsider #electionresults #vulnerabilities #electionsecurity
Cybercriminals Step Up Their Game Ahead of U.S. Elections - Ahead of the November U.S. elections, cybercriminals are stepping up their offensive in both attac... #disinformationcampaign #electioninfrastructure #novemberelections #electionsecurity #infosecinsider #cybercriminals #u.s.government #videointerview #mailinvoting #donaldtrump #government #ciscotalos #uselection #mattolney #facebook #joebiden #pandemic #hacks
#hacks #pandemic #joebiden #facebook #mattolney #uselection #ciscotalos #government #donaldtrump #mailinvoting #videointerview #u #cybercriminals #infosecinsider #electionsecurity #novemberelections #electioninfrastructure #disinformationcampaign
Shoring Up the 2020 Election: Secure Vote Tallies Aren’t the Problem - With many in the public sphere warning about a potential compromise of the integrity of the Presid... #2020presidentialelection #criticalinfrastructure #stateandlocalresources #influencecampaigns #pollinginformation #vulnerabilities #onlineresources #statesponsored #votingmachines #cybersecurity #mailinvoting #websecurity #nationstate #government
#government #nationstate #websecurity #mailinvoting #cybersecurity #votingmachines #statesponsored #onlineresources #vulnerabilities #pollinginformation #influencecampaigns #stateandlocalresources #criticalinfrastructure #2020presidentialelection
Black Hat 2020: Scaling Mail-In Voting Spawns Broad Challenges - Voting Village security celeb Matt Blaze delves into the logistics of scaling up mail-in voting ah... #criticalinfrastructure #presidentialelection #electionsecurity #vulnerabilities #blackhat2020 #mailinvoting #government #challenges #mattblaze #blackhat #keynote #scale
#scale #keynote #blackhat #mattblaze #challenges #government #mailinvoting #blackhat2020 #vulnerabilities #electionsecurity #presidentialelection #criticalinfrastructure