I'm all in on Vivaldi. It's my daily driver. Anyone know how to make mailto: links open Gmail and not the Mail client?
#vivaldi #vivaldiquestions #help #mailto
#Mailto : vulnérabilités multiples perçant à jour le #chiffrement et la signature de certaines #messageries !
#securite #mail #WebMessagerie #ClientMessagerie #OpenPGP #SMIME
#mailto #chiffrement #messageries #securite #mail #WebMessagerie #ClientMessagerie #openpgp #smime
All About mailto: Links - Check this post written by Chris Coyier on mailto: links. "It's pretty easy to use, but as with anything web, there are lots of things to consider." https://css-tricks.com/all-about-mailto-links/ #Front #Mailto #HTML by @css@twitter.com @chriscoyer@twitter.com