TV TONIGHT (August 21)
#TheBachelorette #DarkMarvels #SecretsOfPrinceAndrew #MaineCabinMasters #Futurama #StarsOnMars #RunTheBurbs #AmericanNinjaWarrior #NFLPreseason #WWERaw #LHHMIA #TextMeWhenYouGetHome #BelowDeckDownUnder #MiracleWorkers #BBQBrawl
#bbqbrawl #miracleworkers #belowdeckdownunder #textmewhenyougethome #lhhmia #WWERaw #nflpreseason #americanninjawarrior #runtheburbs #starsonmars #futurama #mainecabinmasters #secretsofprinceandrew #darkmarvels #thebachelorette
What’s a #podcast that you listen to that you really like, but you think people wouldn’t expect you to like?
Here’s mine: From The Wood Shed
I like the show Maine Cabin Masters, and they’re just nice people. Makes me want to go to Maine, have a beer at The Wood Shed, and shoot the shit.
Been binge watching season 2 #MaineCabinMasters
LOVE this show. I have a crush on Jedi😅🍄🦀Ryan is the guy i wanna smoke a bowl with. Hell, i wanna smoke a bowl with allum. Ashley would be kickass to do art with, sober or not.
Anywhoo. Happy day to ya.
Anyone else watch #MaineCabinMasters ?? Ive been watching for a few years, calling it research😅😂🤣. We built my Ma's house going on 6yrs ago. The men didnt listen to the woman(me) that was a carpenter apprentice at Denali National Park. So we have to fix the foundation. The Cabin Masters jack up a cabin damned near every episode.
I hope their methods and my carpenter bro from #Kodiak and fix her shifting and heaving cabin. Her door latches 1/4 of the year😅😂.
#mainecabinmasters #Kodiak #remodelhobbyist