“The draft plan’s focus on widening roads to provide shoulders on rural roads needs to be balanced w/ a much stronger commitment to build wider sidewalks & multi-use paths across the state that are safe for all users, not just those comfortable enough walking or biking next to speeding cars. “ I wrote something similar to #MaineDOT . Wider roads mean drivers go even faster, whether the add’l width = shoulders or not. This keeps anyone but those who feel up to defying death from biking on them..
“whether you are 8 or 80, you should feel comfortable and safe biking or walking in Maine and not have to be dependent on a car to get everywhere. We encourage the Maine DOT to incorporate a clear commitment to designing for all ages and abilities in the plan’s vision statement, and then reflect it more clearly in the plan’s goals.” https://www.pressherald.com/2023/01/29/commentary-a-glimmer-of-hope-for-maine-cyclists-and-pedestrians/ #Maine #Biketooter #activetransportation #MaineDOT
#maine #BikeTooter #activetransportation #mainedot
Maine DOT seeking public input on transportation plans, including public transit and active transportation! Through January. Mainers: Let’s fight climate change with design changes that also promote a healthy lifestyle and less personal $ indebtedness for vehicles. https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/27763afe326645c285cb1d726ee68cae #Maine #MaineDOT #activetransit #walkability #PublicTransport #Bikes4Climate
#maine #mainedot #activetransit #walkability #PublicTransport #bikes4climate