Head's up to any #mainlanders in #Newfoundland, ye can actually get bagged milk. In the organic-y fridge section of #Sobeys where all the nut-'milk' stuff lives.
Bag holder, and that little knife magnet what lives on the fridge door, those you may have to order online.
...also, it costs more.
#mainlanders #Newfoundland #sobeys #ontario #baggedmilk #canada #milk
Less than 10% of the populace in #Taiwan identifies as Chinese rather than as Taiwanese. The fraction of #mainlanders who only came to Taiwan from 1945 to 1949 is shrinking due to age.
As election data from January 2020 show the #KMT has almost no support in the under25 age group - so this party's disconnect is only getting worse.
Running with #JawShawKong as candidate in the presidential elections in 2024 will be a failure even worse than running with #HanKuoyu.
#taiwan #mainlanders #kmt #JawShawKong #hankuoyu