@georgetakei In a "sane" country [which is abliest btw] the issue would not exist not because of guns - they exist like alcohol, drugs and sexwork regardless of legality - but because #Mainsteam #MassMedia would not #reward #StochasticTerrorism with #airtime and thus push #PropagandaOfTheDeed whilst profiteering from tragedy...
#propagandaofthedeed #airtime #stochasticterrorism #reward #massmedia #mainsteam
@mpesce EXACTLY!
This is why #MassShootings in the #USA are rampant, because #Mainsteam #MassMedia are depend on #ratings for #advertising and rewarding #StochasticTerrorism in the form of "#AdvancedSuicides" will keep people tuned in on said linear broadcasting "news" channels...
That's why this is basically exclusive to the #US despite it neither having the most [il-]legal weapons per capita in circulation nor having the most relaxed laws by a long shot.
#US #advancedsuicides #stochasticterrorism #advertising #ratings #massmedia #mainsteam #USA #massshootings
@Darksidestraxus because the #Mainsteam #MAssMedia love #Terrorism and #StochasticTerrorism!
That's the problem: #LackOfAccountability & #LackOfConsequences, not guns!
#lackofconsequences #lackofaccountability #stochasticterrorism #terrorism #massmedia #mainsteam
@VeryBadLlama guess what?
#Mainsteam #MassMedia love #StochasticTerrorism as doing #PropagandaOfTheDeed will get more copycats and also boost ratings.
This is the unique problem with #ConsequenceFreeSpeech in the #USA!
Other places don't have this issue not due to lack of guns or regulations but because media can't just #hategroom people imat #primetime.
#primetime #hategroom #USA #consequencefreespeech #propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterrorism #massmedia #mainsteam
@threetails EXACTLY!
Also #Mainsteam #MassMedia must stop #rewarding #StochasticTerrorism with #airtime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3VQULyT390
Not to mention #Cops must face #Accountability and #Consequences to the same if not FAR STRICTER AND HIGHER STANDARDS THAN THE AVERAGE CIVILIAN WOULD!
If they can't exercise basic judgement of the situation nor trigger discipline, then they should not be allowed on duty and espechally not armed.
#consequences #accountability #cops #airtime #stochasticterrorism #rewarding #massmedia #mainsteam
@CharlotteEowyn @siege @ValerieMars @Terra sadly that is true.
After all #mainsteam #MassMedia also fuels #StochasticTerrorism by rewarding it with #PropagandaOfTheDeed aka. #screentime...
#screentime #propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterrorism #massmedia #mainsteam
@infiniteone @flexghost @jbraem Germany has >40M illegal firearms + 16M legal ones.
I'd say that's a higher density per capita.
The problem ain't guns not the availability!
And no I'm not gonna do illegal shit to win an argument on the internet...
What is different here is that #mainsteam #MassMedia isn't committed to #PropagandaOfTheDeed and boosting #StochasticTerroridm.
#stochasticterroridm #propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainsteam
Also the only people butthurt are shitlibs that deny the fact that #mainsteam #MassMedia has #influence and #responsibility.
#responsibility #influence #massmedia #mainsteam
@flexghost NO, It's the people because other places have similar high rates if not higher of [illegal] guns yet don't have that issue...
The problem is called #StochasticTerrorism because #mainsteam #MassMedia rewards said acts with #PropagandaOfTheDeed and #airtime.
And that is the problem people deny.
Also statistics say the numbers go do constantly...
#airtime #propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainsteam #stochasticterrorism
@Renegade_GDI Precisely...
Add to that a fundamentally shitty #mainsteam #MassMedia landscape that does #PropagandaOfTheDeed and has vested financial interest in the rise of #StochasticTerrorism and you get a dysfunctional shithole like the #USA that can't even jail a high-treasonist and insurrectionist over 3 years after his coup attempt.
#USA #stochasticterrorism #propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainsteam
Seriously, #MassShootings are an #epidemic in the #USA because #Mainsteam #MassMedia not only profit from it, but they WANT IT!
THEY KNOWINGLY SPREAD #PropagandaOfTheDeed and encourage more acts of #StochasticTerrorism - because they do.
That's why no other nation on earth, even those with far more [illegal] weapons per capita, come even close to the same rate of mass #shooting|s than the USA [adjusted per capita]!
#shooting #stochasticterrorism #propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainsteam #USA #epidemic #massshootings
@muzikant @rbreich @TenaciousUnicornRanch the problem ain't guns, but a #ViolenceCulture that embraces #StochasticTerorrism and #mainsteam #MassMedia doing #PropagandaOfTheDeed!
Otherwise places Like Canada, Switzerland, Serbia, Slovenia, Finland and Gernany would have the same amount of "advanced suicides" per capita and [il-]legal guns as the USA - but they don't!
Guess why?
#propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainsteam #stochasticterorrism #violenceculture
Guess why?
#Mainsteam #MassMedia love those acts of #StochasticTerorrism and thus push #PropagandaOfTheDeed...
And that's why the USA has the highest rate of gun deaths per capita worldwide outside of warzones line Mexico [U.S. - led "War on Drugs"], Yemen [USA+KSA/Iran Proxy War]...
#propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterorrism #massmedia #mainsteam
@YourAnonRiots starting with ending #ViolenceCulture and #mainsteam #MassMedia supporting #StochasticTerrorism by spreading #PropagandaOfTheDeed:
#propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterrorism #massmedia #mainsteam #violenceculture
@radicalfaery interestingly, the role of #mainsteam #MassMedia in sprading #PropagandaOfTheDeed is casually ignored when it fact it's the only reason why #AdvancedSuicides are spreading across the #USA.
Cuz if it were #guns then we'd see an equal distribution per capita and guns among #G7 & #G20 nations, but that's not the case!
#g20 #g7 #guns #USA #advancedsuicides #propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainsteam