MAlanLewis · @malanlewis
20 followers · 114 posts · Server

@TejaRayShankara @moira

It's not that the Nature Conservancy used measurements of ice core samples. They only repeat the interpretations of ice core data from others, who may or may not be glacial or atmospheric chemistry scientists.

So much of the hype around Climate Change is from the megaphone press, who merely repeat what others say without any critical review. They're not experts in the field, so they swallow whatever they're fed and don't question the sources.

Meanwhile, the real scientists working in the field do their research, publish in peer reviewed professional journals and get on with the science of theory formation.

The science is solid, on-going and NOT SETTLED!!!

#science #icecores #ClimateChange #co2 #mainstreampress

Last updated 1 year ago

Its been a whole two days and yet the story of , (everyone's favourite whipping post) engaging in to build his is not being exposed.

Why is this not plastered all over the place.

They much in the only one day prior Trump's foray into the space.

Why suddenly the crickets?

#trump #softwareTheft #socialPlatform #advertised #mainstreampress #forcedNews #fakenews #inconvenienttruth #hypocrisy #replaceTheirNews #omn

Last updated 3 years ago

If bitcoin was a nation and that nation was using 40-70% , you'd be impressed.

How then have the arbiters of culture, and the and been able to poison your mind against it?

Meditate on that.

#renewables #mainstreampress #socialmedia #warOnSavers #cbdc #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #debtslavery

Last updated 3 years ago