THE MAGIC of #PreferentialVoting.
Australia has preferential voting so a person can make their #vote transfer to another candidate at FULL VALUE.
We just tallied quotas of minor parties that were good enough to be placed ahead of #majorParties and Greens.
The quota was exceeded in EVERY state!
So if everyone who voted for quality #minorParties numbered as many quality parties as they could, we'd have 12 #independent minorParty #Senate member in parliment.
Your preferences matter!
#preferentialVoting #vote #majorParties #minorParties #independent #senate #auspol
Now our Senate voting process has a arbitrary, obtuse call to number at least 6 parties above the line.
They could have done this while retaining #PartyPreferences, but they didn't because anyone who looks at how preferences flow will tell you that numbering only 6 parties will steer votes towards the two #majorParties.
The #forcedNews media are trained not to draw attention to things like that.
Divide the peoples' #votes for minor parties — and rule.
#PartyPreferences #majorParties #forcedNews #votes
Please boost if you may know someone in SA.
As stated, approx. 70000 votes were "exhausted" (read: wasted) in 2018 because instructions on the ballot are designed to favour #majorParties.
Federal #election instructions are slightly better, at least telling people to number at least 6, but can also mean minorParty votes will evaporate if they don't pick enough (read: most) of them.
@yrabbit @rose_myrtle @bom_warnings_sa @auspol_clippy @aussierockman @Aussiecuno @australian_user @aussocialadmin
Re: freedom.
In #Australia we have a fairly crude, opportunistic #corporatist politician, #ClivePalmer, and an election next year. Clive's billboards revolve around #FREEDOM and 'NO VACCINE PASSPORTS' etc.
He's a #mining magnate.
Sadly we may place him above the #majorParties (but not above #SustainableAustraliaParty) next year.
#australia #corporatist #ClivePalmer #freedom #mining #majorParties #SustainableAustraliaParty
Australia's Identify and Disrupt Bill is an attack on the people. It allows #police to hack you without adequate protections.
Use #flightMode to #protest.
It was hurriedly voted into legislation by the two #majorParties on 25 Aug. This coming election put the #majorParties dead last — not just last of the minimum, six votes.
#police #flightMode #protest #majorParties #DeadLast #auspol #preferentialVoting
BARNABY JOYCE: I'm not fake, I'm just big-owned.
This coming election put the #majorParties dead last — not last of just six votes.
This week in #Australia, laws have been rushed through parliament by the two #majorParties. It allows the "#MinistryOfTruth" (below) the ability to hack into accounts, "change" or #memoryHole data.
Greens party senator, #LidiaThorpe, says "…this bill enables the #AFP and #ACIC to be 'judge, jury and executioner'. That's not how we deliver justice in this country."
#privacy #oppression #surveillance #1984 #socialControlMedia #facebook #fakebook #selfHost
#australia #majorParties #ministryoftruth #memoryHole #LidiaThorpe #afp #ACIC #privacy #oppression #surveillance #socialcontrolmedia #facebook #fakebook #selfhost
Australia want to give #criminals and #pedophileRapists the ability to claim that #communications were placed on their system by purveyors of #malware, and that they are being framed.
Well done, #Australian securocrats. Help our elite criminals and #centralBankers.
You are #blackHats.
#imprisonList #majorParties #twoPartyPolitics #criminality #crime #plausibleDeniability #amnestyInternational #humanRightsAbuses #kleptocrats #securocrats #nepotists #cronyists #corporateState #protest
#criminals #pedophileRapists #communications #malware #australian #centralBankers #blackHats #ImprisonList #majorParties #twopartypolitics #criminality #crime #plausibleDeniability #amnestyinternational #humanRightsAbuses #kleptocrats #securocrats #nepotists #cronyists #corporateState #protest
More police powers, less protections
Draconian laws have been rushed through #Australia's parliament by the two #majorParties. Allowing authorities the ability to hack into accounts and "change data".
Senator in #Victoria for the #Greens party, #LidiaThorpe, says "…this bill enables the #AFP and #ACIC to be 'judge, jury and executioner'. That's not how we deliver justice in this country."
#australia #majorParties #victoria #greens #LidiaThorpe #afp #ACIC #privacy #oppression #surveillance
(2/2)…they beat the #thirdParty into #compliance (the #AustralianGreens are generally in this category, and you'll see them speak in the language of #identityPolitics to the same drum-beat as the #majorParties).
For those parties that are not controlled by corporate interests. They are simply ignored. If they can be #ridiculed in a single sentence they may do that, but even that is rare.
They may gather #intel on the #minorParty by staging #interviews, but won't air the #interview.
#majorParties #ridiculed #intel #minorParty #interviews #interview #thirdParty #compliance #AustralianGreens #identitypolitics