Australia has preferential voting so a person can make their transfer to another candidate at FULL VALUE.

We just tallied quotas of minor parties that were good enough to be placed ahead of and Greens.

The quota was exceeded in EVERY state!

So if everyone who voted for quality numbered as many quality parties as they could, we'd have 12 minorParty member in parliment.

Your preferences matter!

#preferentialVoting #vote #majorParties #minorParties #independent #senate #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

Now our Senate voting process has a arbitrary, obtuse call to number at least 6 parties above the line.

They could have done this while retaining , but they didn't because anyone who looks at how preferences flow will tell you that numbering only 6 parties will steer votes towards the two .

The media are trained not to draw attention to things like that.

Divide the peoples' for minor parties — and rule.

#PartyPreferences #majorParties #forcedNews #votes

Last updated 2 years ago

Please boost if you may know someone in SA.

As stated, approx. 70000 votes were "exhausted" (read: wasted) in 2018 because instructions on the ballot are designed to favour .

Federal instructions are slightly better, at least telling people to number at least 6, but can also mean minorParty votes will evaporate if they don't pick enough (read: most) of them.
@yrabbit @rose_myrtle @bom_warnings_sa @auspol_clippy @aussierockman @Aussiecuno @australian_user @aussocialadmin

#majorParties #election

Last updated 3 years ago

Re: freedom.

In we have a fairly crude, opportunistic politician, , and an election next year. Clive's billboards revolve around and 'NO VACCINE PASSPORTS' etc.

He's a magnate.

Sadly we may place him above the (but not above ) next year.


@strypey @bob

#australia #corporatist #ClivePalmer #freedom #mining #majorParties #SustainableAustraliaParty

Last updated 3 years ago

Australia's Identify and Disrupt Bill is an attack on the people. It allows to hack you without adequate protections.

Use to .

It was hurriedly voted into legislation by the two on 25 Aug. This coming election put the dead last — not just last of the minimum, six votes.

#police #flightMode #protest #majorParties #DeadLast #auspol #preferentialVoting

Last updated 3 years ago

BARNABY JOYCE: I'm not fake, I'm just big-owned.

This coming election put the dead last — not last of just six votes.


Last updated 3 years ago

This week in , laws have been rushed through parliament by the two . It allows the "" (below) the ability to hack into accounts, "change" or data.

Greens party senator, , says "…this bill enables the and to be 'judge, jury and executioner'. That's not how we deliver justice in this country."


#australia #majorParties #ministryoftruth #memoryHole #LidiaThorpe #afp #ACIC #privacy #oppression #surveillance #socialcontrolmedia #facebook #fakebook #selfhost

Last updated 3 years ago

More police powers, less protections

Draconian laws have been rushed through 's parliament by the two . Allowing authorities the ability to hack into accounts and "change data".

Senator in for the party, , says "…this bill enables the and to be 'judge, jury and executioner'. That's not how we deliver justice in this country."

#australia #majorParties #victoria #greens #LidiaThorpe #afp #ACIC #privacy #oppression #surveillance

Last updated 3 years ago

(2/2)…they beat the into (the are generally in this category, and you'll see them speak in the language of to the same drum-beat as the ).

For those parties that are not controlled by corporate interests. They are simply ignored. If they can be in a single sentence they may do that, but even that is rare.

They may gather on the by staging , but won't air the .


#majorParties #ridiculed #intel #minorParty #interviews #interview #thirdParty #compliance #AustralianGreens #identitypolitics

Last updated 3 years ago