While a #Gwichin #SteeringCommittee leader said the policy "is a first for the #American #insurance industry & shows leadership to #protect #sacredLands ," Chubb's board opposes #climate & #HumanRights #shareholder resolutions.
An #Indigenous organization on Monday applauded #Chubb for joining #GlobalInsurers & #MajorBanks in #refusing to #underwrite new #FossilFuel #development within the #Arctic #National #Wildlife #Refuge in #Alaska
#gwichin #steeringcommittee #american #insurance #protect #sacredlands #climate #humanrights #shareholder #indigenous #chubb #globalinsurers #majorbanks #refusing #underwrite #fossilfuel #development #arctic #national #wildlife #refuge #alaska #stopecocide #environmental
BRICS Nations ‘Coalescing Against the Dollar,’ Major Banks Predict More Fed Hikes, Bitcoin Records Large Blocks as Ordinals Gain Currency - In spite of turbulence in traditional global finance, with BRICS nations said to b... - https://news.bitcoin.com/brics-nations-coalescing-against-the-dollar-major-banks-predict-more-fed-hikes-bitcoin-records-large-blocks-as-ordinals-gain-currency/ #de-dollarization #federalreserve #andyschectman #interestrate #majorbanks #theweekly #blocksize #brics
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