Aye. Art by Shawn Coss #MentalHealth #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #Dysthymia #OCPD #SuicidalIdeations #SelfLoathing #SelfPunishment
#selfpunishment #selfloathing #suicidalideations #ocpd #Dysthymia #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #mentalhealth
So often I will talk tae someone fully forgetting that nobody gies a wee shite wut I havtae sae. #RejectionSensitivityDysphoria is just fucking lovely. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #Dysthymia #SelfLoathing
#selfloathing #Dysthymia #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #rejectionsensitivitydysphoria
@LeatherCubAndrew Ahm wi ye. #GenderFluid #Trans #Pansexual #Kinkster #Fetish #FetLife #Neurodivergent #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #Dysthymia #OCPD #PTSD #SuicidalIdeations #ExtremeSelfLoathing.
#extremeselfloathing #suicidalideations #ptsd #ocpd #Dysthymia #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #neurodivergent #fetlife #fetish #kinkster #pansexual #Trans #genderfluid
Well I've discontinued my mental health care. Sacked both my therapist (#7) and my psychiatrist (#2). Let the fun begin! #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #Dysthymia #PTSD #OCPD #SuicidalIdeations #SelfLoathing
#selfloathing #suicidalideations #ocpd #ptsd #Dysthymia #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent
Ah will suffer alongside ye but ye must NEVER count on meh. Ah nae really know how much longer mah monsters will let meh live. Art by Shawn Coss #MentalHealthAwareness #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #Suicidalideations #Dysthymia #OCPD #SelfLoathing
#selfloathing #ocpd #Dysthymia #suicidalideations #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #mentalhealthawareness
I want desperately tae fall in #love, but no sabotage it when it is returnit. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #SelfLoathing #MyBrainIsVeryBroken
#mybrainisverybroken #selfloathing #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #love
I look at my 57 year auld face and body and then look at the photos of beautiful women and men and realise that I wasnae ever in the running, and ahm fair certain ahmno now. I swear I curse mah deceased mum for giesing me birth. #PissPoorGenes #Ugly #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #SelfLoathing #TheTruthHurts.
#thetruthhurts #selfloathing #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #ugly #pisspoorgenes
@louche_librarian I suffer frae several mental illnesses. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent and #SuicidalIdeations for over 40 year. Add #Dysthemia #OCPD #PTSD and severe #SelfLoathing (Everything is well diagnosed). There are many times that I get this way...I hae nae control over it. My Psychotherapist and Psychiatrist hae me on both a treatment plan and safety plan. 3 attempts, one VERY close tae success (damnit), and ahv lost count of the times ahv been detained fur it lol.
#selfloathing #ptsd #ocpd #dysthemia #suicidalideations #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent
I've never known #joy or lasting #happiness. What passes for that in my brain is distraction, amusement, and at best a lack of impact...neutral. Before you call me #emo or dramatic, I hae a very broke brain and suffer several mental illnesses. Anyone else oot there like me? I fucking hope nae. #MentalHealth #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #Dysthymia, #PTSD, #OCPD #SuicidalIdeations, #SevereSelfLoathig. #IAmVeryBroken #YouCanNotHelp
#youcannothelp #iamverybroken #severeselfloathig #suicidalideations #ocpd #ptsd #Dysthymia #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #mentalhealth #emo #happiness #joy
I think I finally got it thru mah #Psychiatrist heid that my #SuicidalIDeations and extreme #SelfHatred innae gaen anywhere, hence untreatable. I want tae attempt tae enjoy life whatever that means, but I will always want suicide as an option. I think she finally gets it. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent, #Dysthymia #OCPD #PTSD #Neurodivergent #IAmVeryBroken #YouShouldReallyRun
#youshouldreallyrun #iamverybroken #neurodivergent #ptsd #ocpd #Dysthymia #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #selfhatred #suicidalideations #psychiatrist
FUCK...Ah miss Layne Staley so much. Ah miss Mike Starr, Chris Cornell, and Kurt Cobain. When the tide, hour, and moon is right, ahl come a'lookin fur ye. All artwork by Shawn Coss #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #Dyshymia #OCPD #SuicidalIdeations #IAmVeryBroken #LetMeGo
#letmego #iamverybroken #suicidalideations #ocpd #dyshymia #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent
Artwork by Shawn Coss. Diagnosis are mine all mine. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #SuicidalIdeations #Dysthymia #PTSD #OCD #SelfHatred #IAmVeryBroken
#iamverybroken #selfhatred #ocd #ptsd #Dysthymia #suicidalideations #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent
Artwork by Shawn Coss. Diagnosis are mine all mine. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #SuicidalIdeations #Dysthymia #PTSD #OCD #SelfHatred #IAmVeryBroken
#iamverybroken #selfhatred #ocd #ptsd #Dysthymia #suicidalideations #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent
Nae sleeping fa shite. Really donnae wan tae up mah Seroquel, but may havtae. #depression #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent
#depression #majordepressivedisorderrecurrent
OK people. My brains is broken as fuck and everything I say I hae, hae been diagnosed. I don't like it, I didnae ask fur it, and yer well meaning platitudes wilnae change a whit. If that is wut ye got fur meh, then please get tae fuck wi all haste. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #dysthymia #SuicidalThoughts #OCD #PTSD #CrabbitWeeScottishCunt
#majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #dysthymia #suicidalthoughts #ocd #ptsd #crabbitweescottishcunt
I suffer frae Catastrophisation and this is what it looks and feels like. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #SuicidalIdeations #Dysthymia Art by Shawn Coss
#majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #suicidalideations #dysthymia
#MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent with extreme #selfhatred is: "Hi, I hae a friend that would love tae meet ye."
"I wudnae recommend that love, I am a poor life decision."
An the solitude continues.
#majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #selfhatred
Absolutely neutral mood tae moderate suicidal thoughts. in approximately 2 minutes. NAE TRIGGER, it just happens that way sometime. #MajorDepressiveDisorderRecurrent #SuicidalIdeations #IAmVeryBroken #988
#majordepressivedisorderrecurrent #suicidalideations #iamverybroken