Wild. Luthen's monologue in ep 10 is so long — 77 sec.
The best I think is still Linus's "pockets of fomenting" in ep 2 (14:53–15:28).
The understated Chief Hyne scene in ep 1 is also really good even if it's low energy and only for setup. Saw Gerrera in ep 8 is the second best I think and it should've been much longer.
Major Partagaz also deserves a long monologue.
#Andor #screenwriting #acting #directing #SciFi #SawGerrera #ChiefHyne #LinusMosk #LuthenRael #MajorPartagaz
#majorpartagaz #luthenrael #linusmosk #chiefhyne #sawgerrera #SciFi #directing #Acting #screenwriting #andor
Remarkable btw what Anton Lesser (#MajorPartagaz) and Denise Gough (#DedraMeero) have been able to do with the lines they were given. The musicality of Anton Lesser's delivery in particular is top notch craftwork. He makes the words really sing somehow. Pure magic. Any lesser actor given these lines would've made some of these scenes difficult to get through I think.
#DeniseGough #antonlesser #SciFi #Acting #andor #dedrameero #majorpartagaz