#Degradation: Orange completely eaten out from the inside, with only the outer skin left hanging on the branch, is a signature of #roofrats, and indication of larger problem when occurring adjacent to #majorroads and sidewalks. Neighbors have been manicuring the thicker brush that existed and provided cover for skunks and other rat predators; and now are using rat poison which causes other predators like Hawks and owls, especially barn, to succumb up the food chain. The wider dispersal of rats is a recent COVID consequence.
#degradation #roofrats #majorroads
#RegulatoryCapture: In 2021 the #WHO defined high concentrations of #UFP. This threshold is frequently breached by #diesel traffic. Sales of #fossilfuel #cars are likely to continue beyond 2030 and we are still waiting for mass-market alternatives to diesel power for heavier #vehicles. Exposure to UFP alongside #majorroads will continue unless governments #mandate tighter #exhaust standards or #reduce #traffic. #BusinessAsUsual https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/07/dangerous-exhaust-particles-evading-vehicle-cleanup-systems
#regulatorycapture #who #UFP #diesel #fossilfuel #cars #vehicles #majorroads #Mandate #exhaust #Reduce #traffic #businessasusual