What! You need a #hashtagGames for venting your darkside?🤔 :awesome:
We just did a few "venting" hashtag games (listed a few below.) 👀
If you need more venting, maybe you can have a one-on-one hashtag session and give a few another round.
Good luck. We'll be watching. 🤠😸
Recent hashtag games:
#hashtaggames #disappointabooksongorshow #sendasongbookorshowtotheer #ignoreasongormovie #makeasonggrumpy #makeabooksongormovieremorseful #trollasongormovie
Portnoy's Regret.
(I Should Have Left) The Sword In The Stone
#HashtagGames #makeabooksongormovieremorseful
10 Things I Hate Hating About You
#HashtagGames #makeabooksongormovieremorseful