The theme for today's sh*t art was colours. Lots of them. And whatever I wanted to draw.
(Food in pic nr2)
#art #colorsketches #CreativeToots #makealotofshitart
Me: Looks like I need to upgrade my arting skills for animation.
My inner 10yr old: Oooooooh! This humblebundle!
Me: Hm. It actually looks like a good basic curriculum.
M.I.10: So we buy it???
Me: I don't know. I've seen enough of digital format change to...
M.I.10: We print it out!!!
Me: _Print_ it?
M.I. 10: And the we learn bookbinding!!!
Me: First of all; our printer is not that good.
M.I.10: But we don't have to print all the books!
#art #CreativeToots #makealotofshitart
Yesterday I had a webinar from the Swedish Unemployment Agency that was unusually tone deaf. Today I was rejected from a "safe" job (customer service over the phone). Usually I phase this out and focus on projects that should lead to employment later. But today I wanted to illustrate how it is being unemployed.
It got dark and, I suspect, heavy if you're unemployed like me, so I put this under a cw.
#graphitesketch #MastoArt #CreativeToots #makealotofshitart
Today's dream is the dream of having just enough with a little bit of extra. That one's hard to illustrate without an explanation. I deliberately chose a naïvistic style for these, since they do look like a child's dreams. Unfortunately a lot of grownups have to dream about it too.
#art #CreativeToots #colorpencils #makealotofshitart
Today's theme for my sh*t art is cats.
#graphite #CatsOfMastodon #CreativeToots #makealotofshitart
I felt like speed drawing, because this is an area where I need to improve A Lot. And our merdude and his moray are fleshing out as characters. Do they need a hashtag of their own?
(For the numbers inclined - I spent somewhere between 30 and 60s on each of these.)
Bones in one of the sketches.
#MakeALotOfShitArt #mermay #GraphiteSketch #SpeedDrawing #MerdudeAndMoray
#merdudeandmoray #speeddrawing #graphitesketch #mermay #makealotofshitart
Today's sh*t art is a shitty animation. Made in Animation Paper with a wonky Wacom (didn't do much for the art style, but added ~2h work). Still - it's my first time animating in several layers. Worked pretty well.
#MakeALotOfShitArt #animation #AnimationPaper #CreativeToots
#CreativeToots #animationpaper #animation #makealotofshitart
My art style is coming through fast. I'm looking to improve it, so this is kind of a middle between sh*t art and okay art. When it comes to the merdude I aimed for cutesy, but - given mermaids' diet - things descended into morbidity fast. How do you cook under water anyway?
Also, his pet is not a barracuda, it's a moray. An eel that oscillates between looking terrifying and goofy - like it's singing something.
#art #CreativeToots #krita #mermay #makealotofshitart
Pondering whether I should look up a Krita tutorial for today's sh*t art session. On one hand I know how it's going to end:
Tutor *flashes through the menus, does some magical stuff, ends up with a beautiful sketch*: And that's how you begin - then you...
*looks at the sorry hot dog-like line I've managed to produce*: I can go through this frame for frame. Again. Or just drop the entire thing.
OTH, it _is_ sh*t art session, and a tutorial might be good for me.
Hm. I nearly missed the mark on nr3. But it goes to show that you don't have to do this for long before your shit art starts to become good art. (The original is my own photo of the collection coffer at the Vendel Church.)
#art #creativetoot #mermay #makealotofshitart
Today's art up-levelling is me trying to get used to Krita _and_ drawing on a tablet. On a whim I decided to join Mermay to make things more interesting. Let's see what I can do of dude nr4 and his pet barracuda.
#DigitalArt (for want of better word) #MakeALotOfShitArt #mermay #krita
#krita #mermay #makealotofshitart #DigitalArt
Me: Just a few sketches before I start working on Blender.
Brain: How about an idea that'll take you hours even on the sketch stage?
Me: ... thanks...
(I tolerate it because I need to level up my arting skills, but _dang_ those spirals!)
#arting #makealotofshitart #creativetoot #art #MastoArt
Neil Gaiman says "Make good art." I say 'to get to that stage you have to make A Lot of shit art'. Revel in it! Art for the sake of art, _not_ your inner perfectionist! Just lots and lots of art!
So, in this spirit - here's today's batch from me.
Photo reference from @AdorkaStock in picture nr4
(~eye contact in pic nr2)
#graphite #arting #makealotofshitart