A handheld MakeCode Arcade gaming system #PiDay #MakeCode #CircuitPython @Raspberry_Pi
#piday #makecode #circuitpython #adafruit
A handheld MakeCode Arcade gaming system #PiDay #MakeCode #CircuitPython @Raspberry_Pi https://blog.adafruit.com/?p=552584
#PiDay #makecode #CircuitPython
📢 On this Thursday's livestream @Jaqster is here to give us a tour around the #MakeCode Arcade 👾 extension for #vscode. Mark your calendar 📆 and join us 🎬 https://aka.ms/code-livestream-page
8 am Seattle / 11 am New York / 4 pm London #learningtocode https://t.co/po8Ug4BpKC
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/code/status/1660352515634872321
#makecode #vscode #learningtocode
My second project is similar, "New Starfighter",
This navigates a long strip of stars. Up/Down moves the "ship" from 0-4 Y position. Tipping left/right streams the stars
left/right. A/B buttons "shoot" to the left/right.
Both projects are "in progress". More fidget spinner for now - but they were fun to play with.
One of my favorite things in micro:bit programming is defining a large space and viewing it through the 5x5 LED matrix.
Here's two recent projects:
"New Traveller" shows a bright dot, your spaceship, and tilting up/down/left/right moves the ship through a starfield larger than the 5x5 space.
My 5th graders started their #MakeCode Arcade video game projects today. First step: designing sprites. #makers #EduTooter #EdTech
#makecode #makers #edutooter #edtech
Für das neue Semester den #Calliope mini hervorgeholt. Stellt sich raus, dass sich unter #MakeCode die JS-Event-Syntax für Buttons und Pins geändert hat.
// alt
input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P1, () => { … })
// neu
if(input.pinIsPressed(TouchPin.P1)) { … }
// alt
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => { … })
// neu
if(input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) { … }
Etablierte Features umzubauen, ist nicht so ganz nachvollziehen.
Angepasstes Beispiel:
MakeCode Arcade Extension for Visual Studio Code #makecode
MakeCode Arcade Extension for Visual Studio Code #makecode https://blog.adafruit.com/?p=546029
Another Makecode/Python project, called "Grand" for no good reason. This time for CircuitPlayground.
'Shake' sets random colors on all pixels. Tilt left/right/up/down to "pour" pixels away in that direction.
CircuitPython version: https://github.com/mrklingon/circuitplayground/blob/main/grand.py
#adafruit #makecode #circuitpython #circuitplayground
#adafruit #makecode #circuitpython #circuitplayground
Today while Nordic walking I got the silly idea to make a micro:bit program with Solar system data. So, I wrote it, in micropython (https://github.com/mrklingon/micropython/blob/main/planetary.py), then in MakeCode (https://makecode.microbit.org/_LhJ60rHxXHJu)
Pretty silly. A/B advances through planets, A+B changes to "info" mode (and back). In Info mode A displays the planet, and B give the orbital period in years, and the length of the day (in "days", i.e. Earth days).
#microbit #makecode #micropython #astronomy
Thank you Microbit.org team for a great explainer on the lack of A+B in the python.microbit.org IDE:
I really appreciate the thought that has gone into both the Makecode and Micropython IDE's for Micro:bit
#microbit #micropython #makecode
Update to my little micro:bit program "Planetary Explorer"
Now, if you touch 3 of the "bright" mountains, you switch to a new planet, and the speed resets to the starting slower speed (game speeds up the longer you are at a planet).
* Every 100 clicks (one lap around the landscape) the speed increases.
* Collisions (good or bad) pop you back to the top of the screen.
It was fun to think of how to generate the landscape, then display it. I know these are unlikely to excite anyone but me, but it is fun problem solving.'
* A/B buttons rise and lower the bright dot representing the "explorer" ship.
* The scrolling landscape is generated and loops around (width = 100).
* You don't want run into the dimmer mountains,
but the bright ones give you points (random 10-50) and an additonal life.
* Running into a dim mountain removes a life (you start with 5).
#microbit #makecode
Just when I think I've explored all I want with Micro:bit... I get an idea and start fiddling....
Silly"DS9" game:
Game shows DS9 as a blue pixel, the worm hole on the opposite side
The two rotate back and forth (randomly changing direction) always 5 pixels apart.
A/B buttons fire scout probes into the wormhole. You have 10
Hit the wormhole & everything lights up in rainbows.
At end pixels light to show how many you managed to get in.
Shaking the game resets..
#ds9 #makecode #adafruit #circuitplayground #startrek
#ds9 #makecode #adafruit #circuitplayground #startrek
This is the coolest! And it's a long weekend!! #adafruit #makecode #programming
Adafruit Circuit Playground Express - Blocks / Javascript editor https://makecode.adafruit.com/#editor
#adafruit #makecode #programming
Had a short game making build to end the year.
This G8 student used #makecode and arrays. Created an array of colors. Then randomly selected the colors and displayed them on an eight pixel Neopixel strip. Used the #adafruit Crickit and CPX with buttons to see if a player could remember the color pattern.