This might be the worst webpage we've seen for a linux distro, yet!
How would you design it without #Javascript?
#distroWatch #makeJavascriptOptional #manjaro #linux #webDev #dialogBox
#javascript #distrowatch #makejavascriptoptional #manjaro #linux #webdev #dialogBox
"JavaScript is required to enter the depths of HELL!"
Ain't that the truth ; )
@LionsPhil @nicuveo
When we say #BotFarmTimeline we mean the #ExploreTimeline, of course, designed to favour entities with #botFarms backing them.
Mastodon should also restore their javascript-free interface that was recently dropped.
We really need to see other server types like #Epicyon (named after a type of big wild canine), #GNUSocial, and #FireFish gainmore developer interest.
#botfarmtimeline #exploretimeline #botFarms #epicyon #gnusocial #firefish #makejavascriptoptional
Seriously, the main thing the website seems to do is display text and images. Why does whoever is running it deem it necessary to use JavaScript at all? Let alone third-party JS from;
.. .and probably more.
Just to show up text and images. Which HTML/CSS could do the day the web was invented.
All that computation makes heat. Think of the climate people!
The legislation website for #Victoria ( appears to require #Javascript from Goog'e and Amaz'n to function?
At any rate it doesn't work in TorBrowser in Safest Mode so that is just very, very poor.
If we were good at prosecuting a case we would probably charge them for treason.
#governmentFails #australia #woopsie #makeJavascriptOptional
#victoria #javascript #governmentfails #australia #woopsie #makejavascriptoptional
@Rob @mconley @gunchleoc
Yes, even better by using TorBrowser in Safest Mode you are helping defeat a lot of bad actors, too. Not just 'Screw'-gle.
We say #TransparentTorification, ie. putting all your traffic through Tor, is fine too and for heaven's sake use #I2P, especially for #torrenting.
Onion all the things — if your bank doesn't like it, get them to send you out a cheque book. They will **love** that
#TransparentTorification #i2p #torrenting #onionMaximalist #makejavascriptoptional
@ellenor2000 @af @metaphase
TorBrowser. Safest mode. Done.
If your bank doesn't like it make them process and read your cheques with vibrant outspokemn words in the signature area.
A week or so ago we suggested a #MagicWand and #MagicEraser for Tor Browser to show or hide, respectively, different page elements without the need for javascript, or fiddling with the source HTML/CSS.
#magicwand #MagicEraser #makejavascriptoptional
Would you like a MagicEraser and Wand in #TorBrowser.
The #magicEraser would make an annoying popup disappear without the need for javascript. The #magicWand would make 'opacity:0' and 'display:none' elements appear.
Would you find this useful while using TorBrowser?
#torbrowser #MagicEraser #magicwand #makejavascriptoptional #javascript
Cripes Otago Daily Times, do you really need to be serving JavaScript spyware to your readers from all these third-party domains?
#Aotearoa #NZ #ODT #OtagoDailyTimes #MakeJavaScriptOptional #SpyWare
#aotearoa #nz #odt #otagodailytimes #makejavascriptoptional #spyware
Did #w3schools just break their website for #webDevelopers who don't use #javascript?
Please remove the zero opacity and other CSS that attacks the thoughtful #webDev.
#w3schools #webdevelopers #javascript #webdev #makejavascriptoptional
@Suiseiseki@freesoftwareextremis> arbitrary JavaScript loading from remote servers with no signature checking is a terrible idea, even if the JavaScript is free software
Agreed. I'd go further and say JS is a terrible idea in general, and best avoided. See my many rants asking web devs to #MakeJavaScriptOptional. But for now, we have the web we have, and we have to protect both our freedom and our security as best we can while using it.
Anyone know of tools that web devs can use to test whether their website is serving third-party JavaScript? What about tools that help them search through their web code and track down the hooks that are pulling in JS from third-party domains?
#AskFedi Is there a general purpose front-end I can use to extract the text (and maybe images) from the pages of bullshit news sites like this that insult me with a tabula rasa when I don't let them run JavaScript in my browser?
#askfedi #makejavascriptoptional
Hey web devs, you probably don't need JS for that. For what? Most things.
"Remember when document.querySelector first got wide browser support and started to end jQuery's ubiquity? It finally gave us a way to do natively what jQuery had been providing for years: easy selection of DOM elements. I believe the same is about to happen to frontend frameworks like Angular and React."
Once again, the plaintive wail rings out across the high plains of the web. Why, oh why, can't I at least see some text and images on this "web page" without JavaScript turned on?!?
For those thinking of forking Mastodon, please do so in a safe environment such as on the #InvisibleInternetProtocol (#I2P).
- Consider removing the 'Explore' timeline (*cough* botfarm timeline)
- Consider #makeJavascriptOptional
- Consider not showing like and boost counts until a person actively opens the toot thread.
- Consider not implementing the #antifeatures mentioned above.
In wartime, artists are the first to be targetted. Please #useI2P and live.
#invisibleInternetProtocol #i2p #makejavascriptoptional #antifeatures #usei2p
Gitea has always been better than Gitlab from a usability perspective in our view. No forcing of javascript. No Goog' tracking and exploitation. Etc
#makejavascriptoptional #recaptcha
From what we could tell, #MissKey has been and abuser for some time, appearing to use #javascript blocked by #TorBrowser.
#misskey #javascript #torbrowser #makejavascriptoptional
Go @takahe!
"This is also what I call a "low JavaScript" interface - while there is some interactivity, for example to allow the Boost and Like buttons to work, or to have the timeline update without a refresh - it's not required at all, and the majority of the features work with JS turned off."
#makejavascriptoptional #takahe #javascript
@rolle There are three troubling things in the current default setup as far as we know. On the whole we must say the UI is quite pleasant but the troubling things are cause for great alertness and we say favour maintaining a fork.
1) Forces Javascript (#makeJavascriptOptional),
2) The #ExploreTimeline (which we call the Popularised by Bots timeline) undermines the spirit of fediverse,
3) The showing of #LikeCounts etc without opening the toot leads to #groupThink. Again an anti-feature.
#makejavascriptoptional #exploretimeline #likecounts #groupthink