as expected the so called discussion on the matter brought up by me and other vectors in the finnish scene & 'punk in finland' forum is dominated by ignorant trolls who pretend to have a discussion, while pushing aspa+co's releases in the same forum in other threads. it is a farce, but i expected nothing less of this place. clearly these discussions need to be held in other places and must be followed by consequences instead of another long phase of silence. more labels and venues need to be confronted with what kind of affiliations they platform and by that help to get another step closer into the accepted realm of culture and politics. it seems like when just a few singular voices are bringing such these topics, it is just ignored and when these voices do not even speak the local tongue, the 'outside agitator'/tourist stamp is easily applied and the hope for the un-disrupted business as usual seems to dominate. this all does not only apply to the PE / harsh noise genre, but also the psychodelic spectrum in which for example crypto fascist anti-semites are welcomed contributors. in times of raising fascism on national (the finnish government might become a coalition of conservative capitalists with the fascist PS party) and global level, we need to attack the creeping plague on all levels in our lives. MAKE NOISE - SMASH FASCISM

ps: it must be clear by now, that fascism is a creepy monster that acts hand in hand with patriarchy, white supremacy and all it's nasty offspring, like trans- and homo-hatred, misogyny, anti-BIPOC racism, ableism, and so forth. this must be clear: is a catch all phrase that must include the above.

here's reference to previous post on the topic:

and if you speak finnish, you might want to get a glimpse of the state of the local 'discusion' in the PIF forum. keep your vomit-bucket ready.

#antifascism #anarxnoise #LoveMusicHateFascism #makenoisesamshfascism #metsaan #thismachinekillsfascists #finland #harshnoise #powerelectronics #noisemusic #smashfascism #BashBack #endwhitesupremacy #endpatriarchy #queernoise #queer #queermusic #Anarchist

Last updated 2 years ago