#AppleTVPlus Week In Review
#Liaison 📅
#TheReluctantTraveler 📅
#PretzelAndThePuppies 📅
#DearEdward ⏳
#HelloTomorrow ⏳
#Servant ⏳
#Shrinking ⏳
#TruthBeTold ⏳
#MakeOrBreak 🎉
📅 Premiere, ⏳ Ongoing, 🎉 Finale
#TheLastFrontier ordered
New premieres:
#TheProblem S2B: Mar 3
#Schmigadoon S2: Apr 5
#LandOfWomen 🛑
#BadSisters S2 🔜
🔜 Upcoming, 🛑 Ended
Award wins:
#TheBoyTheMoleTheFoxAndTheHorse (#BAFTA)
#BestFootForward (#DGA)
#Sidney (#NAACPImageAward)
#naacpimageaward #sidney #dga #bestfootforward #BAFTA #theboythemolethefoxandthehorse #badsisters #landofwomen #Schmigadoon #theproblem #thelastfrontier #makeorbreak #truthbetold #shrinking #servant #hellotomorrow #dearedward #pretzelandthepuppies #thereluctanttraveler #liaison #appletvplus
TV TONIGHT (February 24)
#TheReluctantTraveler #TheConsultant #YoungRock #PartyDown #Harlem #MakeOrBreak #Liaison #Bruiser #Formula1DriveToSurvive #WeHaveAGhost #SWAT #SmackDown #DragRace #ReadyToLove #LifeAfterLockup #BMF #AncientAliens #WhoseLine
#WhoseLine #ancientaliens #bmf #lifeafterlockup #readytolove #dragrace #smackdown #swat #wehaveaghost #formula1drivetosurvive #bruiser #liaison #makeorbreak #harlem #PartyDown #YoungRock #theconsultant #thereluctanttraveler
Ab heute 27 neue Inhalte auf #AppleTVPlus ↓
S01E01 #Liaison
S01E01 bis S01E08 #TheReluctantTraveler
S04E07 #Servant S4
S03E06 #TruthBeTold S3
S01E06 #Shrinking
S01E06 #DearEdward
S01E04 #HelloTomorrow
S02E05 bis S02E08 #MakeOrBreak
S02E01 bis S02E09 #PretzelAndThePuppies
Details, Trailer und Verzeichnis → https://www.macprime.ch/a/news/neu-auf-apple-tv-plus-thriller-serie-liaison-und-reise-serie-the-reluctant-traveler
#AppleTVPlus #liaison #thereluctanttraveler #servant #truthbetold #shrinking #dearedward #hellotomorrow #makeorbreak #pretzelandthepuppies
The second half of season 2 of #MakeOrBreak is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
Watch as the 2022 #WorldSurfLeague Championship Tour comes to a conclusion.
#WorldSurfLeague #appletvplus #makeorbreak
#AppleTVPlus Week In Review
#Sharper 📅
#HelloTomorrow 📅
#MakeOrBreak S2 📅
#DearEdward ⏳
#Servant ⏳
#Shrinking ⏳
#TruthBeTold ⏳
4 licensed films (US only)
📅 Premiered, ⏳ Ongoing
New premiere dates:
#TedLasso S3: Mar 15
#TheBigDoorPrize: Mar 29
#Tetris: Mar 31
#SinkingSpring 🟢
#TheProblem S2B 🟢
#Constellation 🛑
🟢 Began, 🛑 Finished
#TedLasso S3
World premieres:
#Liaison in Paris
#TheReluctantTraveler in London
#HelloTomorrow in NYC
#thereluctanttraveler #liaison #extrapolations #constellation #theproblem #sinkingspring #tetris #thebigdoorprize #tedlasso #truthbetold #shrinking #servant #dearedward #makeorbreak #hellotomorrow #sharper #appletvplus
Make or Break is back for a second season. I've never followed pro surfing, but S1 was great and the first few episodes of S2 are brilliant. 🌊🏄♀️
#appletv #makeorbreak #worldsurfleague
#appletv #makeorbreak #worldsurfleague
Make or Brake bei #AppleTV Season 02 am Start. Kelly Slater dabei, ein Sportheld meiner Jugend. Der ist 50ig 🤯 #makeorbreak #worldsurftour
#appletv #makeorbreak #worldsurftour
TV TONIGHT (February 17)
#CarnivalRow #Animaniacs #HelloTomorrow #MakeOrBreak #The12thVictim #LoveAfterLockup #Sharper #JHopeInTheBox #Ganglands #EmerilCooks #SecretRoyalInspectorAndJoy #AtHomeVideos #GoldRush #SmackDown #YoungRock #SharkTank #NBAAllStar
#nbaallstar #sharktank #YoungRock #smackdown #goldrush #athomevideos #SecretRoyalInspectorAndJoy #emerilcooks #ganglands #jhopeinthebox #sharper #loveafterlockup #the12thvictim #makeorbreak #hellotomorrow #animaniacs #CarnivalRow
Neu auf #AppleTVPlus 👇
#HelloTomorrow S01E01-E03
#MakeOrBreak S2E01-E04
#Servant S04E06
#TruthBeTold S03E05
#Shrinking S01E05
#DearEdward S01E05
#AppleTVPlus #sharper #hellotomorrow #makeorbreak #servant #truthbetold #shrinking #dearedward
Season 2 of #MakeOrBreak has premiered on #AppleTVPlus.
The docuseries follows the #WorldSurfLeague Championship Tour, with behind-the-scenes access to the world’s best surfers as they battle for the world title.
The first 4 episodes are now available.
#WorldSurfLeague #appletvplus #makeorbreak
Season 2 of #MakeOrBreak premieres on #AppleTVPlus this Friday, February 17.
The docuseries follows the #WorldSurfLeague Championship Tour, with behind-the-scenes access to the world’s best surfers as they battle for the world title.
#WorldSurfLeague #appletvplus #makeorbreak
February on #AppleTVPlus:
#PineconeAndPony (S2), #DearEdward, #ACharlieBrownValentine, #HelloTomorrow, #Sharper, #MakeOrBreak (S2), #Liaison, #TheReluctantTraveler & #PretzelAndThePuppies (S2)
#Servant (S4), #Shrinking & #TruthBeTold (S3)
What are you most excited for?
#truthbetold #shrinking #servant #pretzelandthepuppies #thereluctanttraveler #liaison #makeorbreak #sharper #hellotomorrow #acharliebrownvalentine #dearedward #PineconeAndPony #appletvplus
#MakeOrBreak S2
World premieres:
#StephenCurry: #Underrated @ #Sundance
2 #Oscar nominations
2 #GLAADMediaAwards nominations
#BillCamp & #ElizabethMarvel in #PresumedInnocent
#AmyRyan in #Wolves
Other news:
#DennisLehane's exclusive overall deal
#dennislehane #wolves #amyryan #presumedinnocent #ElizabethMarvel #billcamp #glaadmediaawards #oscar #sundance #underrated #stephencurry #makeorbreak
#MakeOrBreak S2
World premieres:
#StephenCurry: #Underrated @ #Sundance
2 #Oscar nominations
2 #GLAADMediaAwards nominations
#BillCamp & #ElizabethMarvel in #PresumedInnocent
#AmyRyan in #Wolves
Other news:
#DennisLehane's exclusive overall deal
#dennislehane #wolves #amyryan #presumedinnocent #ElizabethMarvel #billcamp #glaadmediaawards #oscar #sundance #underrated #stephencurry #makeorbreak
New premiere dates:
#PineconeAndPony S2: Feb 3
#ACharlieBrownValentine: Feb 9
#MakeOrBreak S2: Feb 17
#PretzelAndThePuppies S2: Feb 24
New series #EvaTheOwlet: Mar 31
New series #Jane: Apr 14
#SagoMiniFriends Earth Day special: Apr 14
New series #FrogAndToad: Apr 28
#HarrietTheSpy S2: May 5
7 classic #Peanuts specials: May 5
#Stillwater S3: May 19
#stillwater #peanuts #HarrietTheSpy #FrogandToad #sagominifriends #jane #evatheowlet #pretzelandthepuppies #makeorbreak #acharliebrownvalentine #PineconeAndPony
Make or Break — Season 2 Official Trailer | Apple TV+
The world's most elite surfers are back with only one thing on their minds, being the best. Season 2 of #MakeOrBreak premieres February 17 on #AppleTVPlus. #streaming #television
#makeorbreak #appletvplus #streaming #television
Season 2 of #MakeOrBreak will premiere on #AppleTVPlus February 17.
The docuseries follows the #WorldSurfLeague Championship Tour, with behind-the-scenes access to the world’s best surfers as they battle for the world title.
Here is the official trailer.
#WorldSurfLeague #appletvplus #makeorbreak