Diese Rechnung können wir direkt an die #IAA, Autokonzerne, ihre Aktionär*innen und Politiker*innen weitergeben. Wie? Mit gerechten Steuern für (Super-)Reiche auf Vermögen, Erbschaft, Einkommen. #blockIAA #ClimateJustice #MakePollutersPay
#iaa #blockiaa #climatejustice #makepolluterspay
Big polluters need to be held accountable for fuelling the #ClimateCrisis aggravating extreme weather, and worsening wildfires. #MakePollutersPay. Add your name to ask @PathwaysNetZero members to pay for the climate damage they are fueling. @GreenpeaceCA: https://act.gp/3PBiyqU https://act.greenpeace.ca/en-ca/make-polluters-pay
#climatecrisis #makepolluterspay
.@EmmanuelMacron lors du Sommet pour un #NewGlobalFinancingPact allez-vous:
❌🛢 vous opposer au projet EACOP, climaticide? #StopEACOP
💵⚖️ garantir la responsabilité des pollueurs & proposer des financements alternatifs à l’Ouganda et à la Tanzanie? #MakePollutersPay
#justice https://n.respublicae.eu/LossandDamage/status/1671792000427868162
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Loss and Damage Collaboration (L&DC): 1/5.“@exxonmobil, @bp_plc, @Shell, @Chevron and @TotalEnergies recorded a combined $55 billion (USD) in profit in the 2nd quarter of 2022 alone." @vanessa_vash of @Riseupmovt on how #FossilFuel companies continue to profit as the #ClimateCrisis escalates. #NewGlobalFinancingPact https://t.co/CkhBAUqCuU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/marietouss1/status/1671807395721273344
#NewGlobalFinancingPact #stopeacop #makepolluterspay #justice #fossilfuel #ClimateCrisis
.@EmmanuelMacron@twitter.com lors du Sommet pour un #NewGlobalFinancingPact allez-vous:
❌🛢 vous opposer aux projets néfastes comme EACOP, le +long oléoduc chauffé au monde ? #StopEACOP
💵⚖️ faire enfin contribuer les pollueurs à la hauteur des préjudices qu’ils causent #MakePollutersPay
#newglobalfinancingpact #stopeacop #makepolluterspay
Aujourd'hui s'ouvre le Sommet pour un nouveau pacte financier 💵
@EmmanuelMacron@twitter.com, allez-vous :
👉 Dénoncer la bombe climatique #EACOP de Total ? ❌
👉 Exiger que les + pollueurs paient pour les dommages irréparables qu’ils ont causés ? #MakePollutersPay
🏭#Total, #Exxon, #Chevron, #BP & #Shell= 200 milliards de 💲 de profits en 2022💵💵💵.
Les populations du Sud, elles, ont subi les pires impacts climatiques. Il est temps de faire payer les super-pollueurs! #MakePollutersPay
🖊️Signez notre pétition:
#total #Exxon #chevron #bp #shell #makepolluterspay
🏭Total Energies, ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP et Shell= 200 milliards de 💲 de profits en 2022💵💵💵.
Les populations du Sud ont subi les pires impacts climatiques.
Il est temps de faire payer les super-pollueurs! #MakePollutersPay
RT @greenpeace
In 20 years, the fossil fuel industry made enough profits to cover nearly 60 times the 💰 losses experienced by 55 of the most climate-vulnerable countries.
✊ Join us and call on world leaders to tax the fossil fuel industry!
Les 5 plus grands groupes pétroliers ont empoché + de 200 milliards d'euros de bénéfices.
Sur la destruction de la planète.
Pour qu'ils arrêtent de nuire et passent à la caisse, signez la pétition ! 👇
RT @greenpeacefr: Pourquoi parler de taxer les super-pollueurs ?
Si vous savez déjà pourquoi, signez l’appel : https://agir.greenvoice.fr/petitions/taxons-les-super-pollueurs?partner=greenpeace-france
Sinon, on vous donne 3 raisons🧵
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ManonAubryFr/status/1667120604615704577
From @PollutersPayMA RT by @MassClimate: Thank you so much to everyone who made it to our legislative briefing this past Tuesday 6/6 at the State House for the #MakePollutersPay campaign and Mass Power Forward’s Put Gas in the Past campaign!!🥳🤩🥰
It's time to:
✅ #banprivatejets 🍾
✅ #taxfrequentflyers ✈️
✅ #makepolluterspay 🔥
📹 credit @MarSala___
👉 Join the #makethempay campaign: makethempay.info
🗓️ Attend the talk: https://makethempay.info/events/make-them-pay-campaign-how-you-can-join-and-support/
#banprivatejets #taxfrequentflyers #makepolluterspay #makethempay
really impressive!
i see virtually no coverage of the actions in media, possibly just bc of my bubble (also I'm in Finland where there wasn't an action) but possibly - i'd actually say likely - that you hit such a sore spot that media is trying to sweep it under the rug?
#makethempay #makepolluterspay #banprivatejets #climate #climatejustice #climatecrisis
#makethempay #makepolluterspay #banprivatejets #Climate #ClimateJustice #ClimateCrisis
With flights rapidly increasing, the airport in Raleigh is cutting down a neighboring forest to provide additional parking. The protesters called for banning private jet travel, decreasing aviation emissions, and taxing wealthy emitters.
#makepolluterspay #taxfrequentflyers
"Ban private jets!" Scientists voiced support for a private jet ban at the private air terminal of Raleigh-Durham International Airport in North Carolina. The U.S. is the world's largest emitter of aviation emissions.
#banprivatejets #makepolluterspay
Campaigners in Spain show their support for the campaign against the morally disgraceful private air travel at Murcia and Alicante airports today. #MakePollutersPay #BanPrivateJets
#makepolluterspay #banprivatejets
He continues, "This kind of extravagant, climate-damaging pollution is unnecessary, unjust, and we are calling for an end to it."
#banprivatejets #taxfrequentflyers #makepolluterspay
"We must encourage citizens to hold those in power accountable for their ecocide" said Matthew Wheeler, Biohealth scientist. "Blame does not rest on the shoulders of the average citizen, it lies with the wealthy, corporations & their puppet governments" #MakePollutersPay
Six @SRNorway scientist-activists protested today at Vaernes Airport, Trondheim against the carbon emissions produced by the world's wealthiest. Just 1% of the global population is responsible for 50% of air travel emissions.
#BanPrivateJets #TaxFrequentsFlyers #MakePollutersPay
#banprivatejets #taxfrequentsflyers #makepolluterspay
Tentámos de tudo. Petições, negociações, manifestações e ações simbólicas. Em vão. Temos de sair dos nossos espaços de trabalho e disromper com esta normalidade que nos condena. É a única opção que nos resta. #banprivatejets #MakePollutersPay #TaxFrequentFlyers #Makethempay
#banprivatejets #makepolluterspay #taxfrequentflyers #makethempay
RT @ScientistRebel1
The #MakeThemPay campaign is ongoing 🔥
This morning, activists from @XRLondon and scientists are blocking the entrance of the Private Jet Terminal at London Luton Airport to demand to #BanPrivateJets, #TaxFrequentFlyers and #MakePollutersPay. ✊🏻 credits: Neal Haddaway (1/3)
#makepolluterspay #taxfrequentflyers #banprivatejets #makethempay