Just spent three evenings thinking I'd blown the UART1 TX GP4 on a Pico and it turns out I'd just forgotten to add mosi=Pin(16) when remapping SPI0 to pins 16,18,19...
MOSI was still on GP4 all the time and messing things up even though everything else was fine!
Hello world, hope you are well. I feel incredibly lost on hereā¦
#denver #art #MuseumNerdsAbroad #historicalfencers #sewing #crochet #MakerFail
#denver #art #museumnerdsabroad #historicalfencers #sewing #crochet #makerfail
Here is the build guide for my @arduino Nano multi-PWM/Tone carrier board.
Some examples of use will be coming shortly.
Apologies in advance for creating another "centre-negative" powered board. I meant to wire it up the other way round...
#Arduino #MIDI #PWM #Tones #MakerFail
#arduino #midi #pwm #tones #makerfail