Samstag, den 30.09.2023 ist es wieder soweit, der 5. Macherdaach findet wieder in der Uni Landau statt.
Kleiner Vorgeschmack:
🔹 Macherdaach Badge
🔹 Amateurfunk
🔹 Präsentationen &
🔹 Freifunk Südpfalz
🔹 3D-Druck
🔹 Drohnenrennen
🔹 Kreativprojekte mit dem Plotter
🔹 allgemein gute Laune und viele lustige Menschen
🔹…und noch vieles mehr! Kommt
Für das leibliche Wohl ist natürlich gesorgt 🥪🥨
#macherdaach #diy #ztl #ztlspace #maker #makerspace #landau #landauinderpfalz
#macherdaach #diy #ztl #ztlspace #Maker #makerspace #Landau #landauinderpfalz
OK die Info kommt ein wenig spät, aber der Wichtigste Termin ist eh erst am Ende des Monats! Hier die Terminübersicht des ZTL für den September.
#ztlspace #zentrumfürtechnikkultur #makerspace #makerspaces #upcominevents #monatsübersicht #workshops #macherdaach #macherdaach2023 #inlandauistwaslos #landaupfalz #landau
#ztlspace #zentrumfurtechnikkultur #makerspace #makerspaces #upcominevents #monatsubersicht #workshops #macherdaach #macherdaach2023 #inlandauistwaslos #landaupfalz #Landau
Need a hand getting a new business or project going?
Would access to a desk and/or a well-equipped makerspace help?
To encourage more Do(ing of) Epic Shit in Liverpool the @DoESLiverpool community provides free six-month memberships to help out.
The next round of #BoostMembership is open for applications now.
#boostmembership #liverpool #coworking #makerspace #sthelens #kirkby #wirral
We now have a Matrix Space for #HackLE11, the #Loughborough #Hackspace #Makerspace project. Join us!
#makerspace #hackspace #loughborough #hackle11
PSA: We now have the beginnings of a website for #HackLE11, the #Loughborough #Hackspace #Makerspace
#makerspace #hackspace #loughborough #hackle11
Day 1 of classes was fine yesterday - just fine - but I'm ready to put the first day behind me and get to the fun stuff.
Today's a full day of everything: fiddling with some equipment in the #Makerspace, a meeting to help plan a community workshop on digitization of documents, my own class prep, and hoping to make progress on some text reuse fun working with sermons from EEBO (!).
Forgot to do an #introduction
I'm a #techwriter in Florida and I live with my #dachshund
List of stuff I enjoy:
#ThemeParks (especially #DisneyParks #disneyworld);
#reading and all things #bookish;
#CozyGames and #cozygaming;
#makerspace movement and #making;
#DIY and #3dprinting;
Being a #geek and a #nerd and having lots of #fandoms
#introduction #techwriter #dachshund #themeparks #disneyparks #disneyworld #rollercoasters #tea #reading #bookish #cozygames #cozygaming #makerspace #making #diy #3dprinting #geek #nerd #fandoms
Thanks to Cathy for donating this very large roll of tearaway stabiliser - bound to be popular with all the machine embroidery enthusiasts in our space.
It's lighter than the stabiliser we've been using so far, so probably good for more more delicate fabrics.
#MachineEmbroidery #MakerSpace #WeekNotes
#machineembroidery #makerspace #weeknotes
I really need to get back into #makingthings just been in a creativity rut for a while....perhaps it's time to #laser more mugs.
#makingthings #laser #makerspace #makersgonnamake #makers
Liebes #FediLZ, dieses SJ möchte ich endlich anfangen einen #makerspace für meine Klassen einzurichten, um einfacher #DigLA erstellen zu können.
Welche Tipps könnt ihr mir geben?
Technisch, Grundausstattung, Links, Quellen?
#greenscreen #stopmotion #audiobooks #OERde #moodlebande
Zielgruppe: #BVJ & #Azubis Fachbereich #Bautechnik im #Lernfeld Unterricht.
Gerne Sachen zum Selbermachen 👍🏻
#FediLZ #makerspace #DigLA #greenscreen #stopmotion #audiobooks #oerde #moodlebande #BVJ #azubis #Bautechnik #lernfeld
Erste Erfolge mit Kleintierstreu. Vielen Dank an die fleißigen Helfer.
#makerspace #erfurt
I found that our #makerspace's welcome email to new members wasn't being delivered to #Gmail accounts. After a lot of trial and error I worked out it was because of the link. I set up a redirect and the emails get through now.
Note the emails weren't going to the spam folder they were just completely vanishing after successful delivery to Gmail's #SMTP server.
#DKIM, #SPF and #DMARC all pass.
I'm sure it's a coincidence that #Google sees #Slack as competition.
#makerspace #gmail #smtp #dkim #spf #dmarc #google #slack
So @adamgreenfield's concept of a #Lifehouse, a community hub for crisis-response and #MutualAid led to me writing an exploration of what @DoESLiverpool is, and how it overlaps with the idea.
Notes from a proto-Lifehouse - musings on makerspaces, a convivial future, and our pandemic response.
#lifehouse #mutualaid #makerspace #makermovement #pandemic #liverpool
Das Chaos Communication Camp 2023 steht vor der Tür und natürlich sind auch Mitglieder*innen des ZTL vor Ort und was braucht eine Person aus der Pfalz wenn sie die Heimat verlässt? Natürlich selbstgemachte Glasuntersetzer :) Hier mit dem Lasercutter des Spaces erstellt und mit passenden Verzierungen versehen!
#Maker #makerspace #ztlspace #ZTL #landau #landauinderpfalz #lasercutter #ccc #cccamp #cccamp2023 #pfalz #spacelife #neuesausdemspace
#Maker #makerspace #ztlspace #ztl #Landau #landauinderpfalz #lasercutter #ccc #cccamp #cccamp2023 #pfalz #spacelife #neuesausdemspace
@AasaMariaHedberg åh så himla kul! Jag har ju privilegiet att i praktiken jobba i ett #makerspace på RISE Lindholmen, och de åren 2009-2019 som jag jobbade mycket med frågan var väldigt formativa. Rolig bok att bidra till också. Kul att du läst!
Them: How will trans folk know our hackspace is welcoming?
Me: They'll know 😉
#loughborough #makerspace #hackspace #hackle11
Here goes once again: This time I asked #ChatGPT to generate the hashtags for all Global South countries. Sorry for any mistake and I hope I'm not being too spamy:
I'm selling 2 tickets for #CCCamp23 (#Germany, August 15th to August 19th, 2023)
Get them for -%20 if you're from the #GlobalSouth (#Africa #CentralAmerica #LatinAmerica #SouthAmerica #Angola #Argentina #Bangladesh #Barbados #Bolivia #Brazil #Chile #Colombia #CostaRica #Cuba #CôteDIvoire #DominicanRepublic #Ecuador #Egypt #ElSalvador #Ethiopia #FrenchGuiana #Ghana #Guatemala #Guyana #Haiti #Honduras #India #Indonesia #Iran #Jamaica #Kenya #Malaysia #Mexico #Morocco #Myanmar #Nicaragua #Nigeria #Pakistan #Panama #Paraguay #Peru #Philippines #SaudiArabia #SouthAfrica #SriLanka #Suriname #Tanzania #Thailand #TrinidadAndTobago #Turkey #Uruguay #Uzbekistan #Venezuela #Vietnam)
Free #flow3r badge (#MicroPython programmable #ESP32-S3 based #ElectronicMusic #OpenSource #OpenHardware multitouch device) if you're ≤25 y.o. (maybe a #student?)
€100 discount for getting all 3 (the 2 tickets + the flow3r)
Handover @ camp entrance against cash, or fully online (via some trusted 3rd party).
#CCCamp2023 #camping #camp #privacy #FLOSS #InfoSec #CCC #CCCamp #ChaosCommunicationCamp #hacking #hacklab #hackerspace #tinkering #makerspace
#makerspace #tinkering #hackerspace #hacklab #hacking #chaoscommunicationcamp #cccamp #ccc #infosec #floss #Privacy #camp #camping #cccamp2023 #student #openhardware #opensource #electronicmusic #esp32 #micropython #flow3r #vietnam #venezuela #uzbekistan #uruguay #turkey #trinidadandtobago #thailand #tanzania #suriname #srilanka #southafrica #saudiarabia #philippines #peru #paraguay #panama #pakistan #nigeria #nicaragua #myanmar #morocco #mexico #malaysia #kenya #jamaica #iran #Indonesia #india #honduras #haiti #guyana #guatemala #ghana #frenchguiana #ethiopia #elsalvador #egypt #ecuador #dominicanrepublic #cotedivoire #cuba #costarica #colombia #Chile #Brazil #bolivia #barbados #bangladesh #argentina #angola #southamerica #latinamerica #centralamerica #africa #globalsouth #germany #cccamp23 #chatgpt
Here goes once again: This time I asked #ChatGPT to generate the hashtags for all Global South countries. Sorry for any mistake and I hope I'm not being too spamy:
I'm selling 2 tickets for #CCCamp23 (#Germany, August 15th to August 19th, 2023)
Get them for -%20 if you're from the #GlobalSouth (#Africa #CentralAmerica #LatinAmerica #SouthAmerica #Angola #Argentina #Bangladesh #Barbados #Bolivia #Brazil #Chile #Colombia #CostaRica #Cuba #CôteDIvoire #DominicanRepublic #Ecuador #Egypt #ElSalvador #Ethiopia #FrenchGuiana #Ghana #Guatemala #Guyana #Haiti #Honduras #India #Indonesia #Iran #Jamaica #Kenya #Malaysia #Mexico #Morocco #Myanmar #Nicaragua #Nigeria #Pakistan #Panama #Paraguay #Peru #Philippines #SaudiArabia #SouthAfrica #SriLanka #Suriname #Tanzania #Thailand #TrinidadandTobago #Turkey #Uruguay #Uzbekistan #Venezuela #Vietnam)
Free #flow3r badge (#MicroPython programmable #ESP32-S3 based #ElectronicMusic #OpenSource #OpenHardware multitouch device) if you're ≤25 y.o. (maybe a #student?)
€100 discount for getting all 3 (the 2 tickets + the flow3r)
Handover @ camp entrance against cash or online delivery via some trusted 3rd party.
#CCCamp2023 #camping #camp #privacy #FLOSS #InfoSec #CCC #CCCamp #ChaosCommunicationCamp #hacking #hacklab #hackerspace #tinkering #makerspace
#makerspace #tinkering #hackerspace #hacklab #hacking #chaoscommunicationcamp #cccamp #ccc #infosec #floss #Privacy #camp #camping #cccamp2023 #student #openhardware #opensource #electronicmusic #esp32 #micropython #flow3r #vietnam #venezuela #uzbekistan #uruguay #turkey #trinidadandtobago #thailand #tanzania #suriname #srilanka #southafrica #saudiarabia #philippines #peru #paraguay #panama #pakistan #nigeria #nicaragua #myanmar #morocco #mexico #malaysia #kenya #jamaica #iran #Indonesia #india #honduras #haiti #guyana #guatemala #ghana #frenchguiana #ethiopia #elsalvador #egypt #ecuador #dominicanrepublic #cotedivoire #cuba #costarica #colombia #Chile #Brazil #bolivia #barbados #bangladesh #argentina #angola #southamerica #latinamerica #centralamerica #africa #globalsouth #germany #cccamp23 #chatgpt
Here goes once again: This time I asked #ChatGPT to generate the hashtags for all Global South countries. Sorry for any mistake and I hope I'm not being too spamy:
I'm selling 2 tickets for #CCCamp23 (#Germany, August 15th to August 19th, 2023)
Get them for -%20 if you're from the #GlobalSouth (#Africa #CentralAmerica #LatinAmerica #SouthAmerica #Angola #Argentina #Bangladesh #Barbados #Bolivia #Brazil #Chile #Colombia #CostaRica #Cuba #CôteD'Ivoire #DominicanRepublic #Ecuador #Egypt #ElSalvador #Ethiopia #FrenchGuiana #Ghana #Guatemala #Guyana #Haiti #Honduras #India #Indonesia #Iran #Jamaica #Kenya #Malaysia #Mexico #Morocco #Myanmar #Nicaragua #Nigeria #Pakistan #Panama #Paraguay #Peru #Philippines #SaudiArabia #SouthAfrica #SriLanka #Suriname #Tanzania #Thailand #TrinidadandTobago #Turkey #Uruguay #Uzbekistan #Venezuela #Vietnam)
Free #flow3r badge (#MicroPython programmable #ESP32-S3 based #ElectronicMusic #OpenSource #OpenHardware multitouch device) if you're ≤25 y.o. (maybe a #student?)
€100 discount for getting all 3 (the 2 tickets + the flow3r)
Handover @ camp entrance against cash or online delivery via some trusted 3rd party.
#CCCamp2023 #camping #camp #privacy #FLOSS #InfoSec #CCC #CCCamp #ChaosCommunicationCamp #hacking #hacklab #hackerspace #tinkering #makerspace
#makerspace #tinkering #hackerspace #hacklab #hacking #chaoscommunicationcamp #cccamp #ccc #infosec #floss #Privacy #camp #camping #cccamp2023 #student #openhardware #opensource #electronicmusic #esp32 #micropython #flow3r #vietnam #venezuela #uzbekistan #uruguay #turkey #trinidadandtobago #thailand #tanzania #suriname #srilanka #southafrica #saudiarabia #philippines #peru #paraguay #panama #pakistan #nigeria #nicaragua #myanmar #morocco #mexico #malaysia #kenya #jamaica #iran #Indonesia #india #honduras #haiti #guyana #guatemala #ghana #frenchguiana #ethiopia #elsalvador #egypt #ecuador #dominicanrepublic #coted #cuba #costarica #colombia #Chile #Brazil #bolivia #barbados #bangladesh #argentina #angola #southamerica #latinamerica #centralamerica #africa #globalsouth #germany #cccamp23 #chatgpt