OK die Info kommt ein wenig spät, aber der Wichtigste Termin ist eh erst am Ende des Monats! Hier die Terminübersicht des ZTL für den September.
#ztlspace #zentrumfürtechnikkultur #makerspace #makerspaces #upcominevents #monatsübersicht #workshops #macherdaach #macherdaach2023 #inlandauistwaslos #landaupfalz #landau
#ztlspace #zentrumfurtechnikkultur #makerspace #makerspaces #upcominevents #monatsubersicht #workshops #macherdaach #macherdaach2023 #inlandauistwaslos #landaupfalz #Landau
@leigh_hackspace runs public tours every Saturday from 12pm to 1pm, so if you're interested in having a look around and seeing what we're all about then pop on down.
#hackspace #hackspaces #makerspace #makerspaces #leigh #manchester #merseyside #cheshire
#hackspace #hackspaces #makerspace #makerspaces #leigh #manchester #merseyside #cheshire
Good morning!
Its Open Day at @leigh_hackspace, pop down from 12pm-5pm for some activities, a show around the space, and other things!
3rd Floor, Leigh Spinners Mill, Leigh, WN7 2LB
#hackspaces #hackerspaces #makerspace #makerspaces
@leigh_hackspace is running a open day on the 29th July. We'll be showing off some activities, and giving tours of our space!
We're located in Leigh, Greater Manchester, and we have a members from across all the northwest. If you're interested pop on down and check out the space, we're a friendly bunch 😊
(All boosts will be very appreciated!)
#leigh #hackspace #hackspaces #makerspaces
Nimm das #FediLZ mit als Hashtag
Dann erreichst du mehr.
Kennst du #3Derleben ?
#makerspaces #makereducation
Evtl. Mal die #kreismedienzentren
#FediLZ #3Derleben #makerspaces #makereducation #kreismedienzentren
So sehen 1500kg in HPL Platten aus 🧐 Vielen dank an PWM® Presswerk Mainleus GmbH (www.dekorplatten.de) welche diese dem ZTL gespendet hat. Gestern kam diese Lieferung an und unsere Mitglieder sind bereit damit tolle Dinge zu machen 😍
#riesendankeschön #hpl #hplplatten #makerspace #makerspaces #makersgonnamake #machenistwiewollennurkrasser #zentrumfürtechnikkultur #ztlspace #landau #landaupfalz #landauinderpfalz
#riesendankeschon #hpl #hplplatten #makerspace #makerspaces #makersgonnamake #machenistwiewollennurkrasser #zentrumfurtechnikkultur #ztlspace #Landau #landaupfalz #landauinderpfalz
How #Makerspaces in #Schools Can Support #Student Mental Health https://www.edsurge.com/news/2023-05-19-how-makerspaces-in-schools-can-support-student-mental-health #education @edutooter @edutooters
#makerspaces #schools #student #education
🥳 So vielfältig war unser Girls' Day 2023. 👇
🚀 In der Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt besuchten wir den 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗵 𝗿𝘂𝗵𝗶𝗴𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗥𝗮𝘂𝗺 𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗪𝗲𝗹𝘁 🥽
🚀 Im GoodLab konnten Mädchen Erfahrungen mit 𝟯𝗗-𝗗𝗿𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗻 𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗶𝗲𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗻 sammeln.
🚀 In Düsseldorf verkabelten wir Jutebeutel und brachten sie zum Leuchten.
🚀 In unserem Online–Workshop bauten wir eigene 𝗙𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗳𝗶𝗹𝘁𝗲𝗿.
#GirlsDay2023 #GirlsDay #EinfachMachen #Tech4Good #DigitaleBildung #DigitaleMedien #MakerSpaces #Mint #MädchenZukunftsTag
#girlsday2023 #girlsday #einfachmachen #tech4good #digitalebildung #digitalemedien #makerspaces #mint #madchenzukunftstag
"Digital UND mobil - Maker Spaces, Apps & more"
👉 10. Mai 2023 von 13-16.30 Uhr.
#Event der Bibliotheksfachstellen
Programm + Anmeldung ⏩ https://www.fachstellen.de/seminare-der-fachkonferenz
#App #Bibliotheken #nexGeneration #digitalstrategie #Makerspaces #mobil
#event #app #bibliotheken #nexgeneration #digitalstrategie #makerspaces #mobil
Hey #GLAM folks, especially those with #makerspaces. If you take reservations for equipment, what system are you using to manage those reservations? We've got Communico and we're not 100% confident it can handle our increasingly complicated work flow so I'm looking for what else is out there.
RT @IoP_Alliance
#Makerspaces from #Ghana, #Kenya, and #South Africa: the project is inviting you to apply for an award of $19,000 USD. Apply here: https://bit.ly/3XA7JWg
@TheRISAFund @FCDOResearch @UKaid #innovative #africa #research
#makerspaces #ghana #kenya #south #innovative #africa #research
Erste Sitzung des Beirats von #MakeCityBonn 💪
Wir haben uns beraten, wie wir in den kommenden Jahren die Bonner Jugendzentren zu #MakerSpaces ausbauen.
Danke @bmbf_bund für die Förderung des Projektes 🙌
Andrew B. Raupp @stemceo
KDI Education 🇻🇳 is the largest #STEM education service provider in Vietnam with 100,000+ students in more than 180 #Makerspaces throughout Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Nghe An and Quang Ninh.
My first post since leaving the bird site! Today, 5th graders started to embroider their TurtleStitch designs. #MakerEd #BitsToAtoms #ComputationalTinkering #makerspaces #art #design
#makered #bitstoatoms #computationaltinkering #makerspaces #art #design
Proud to announce a NEW #microbit book! "The Invent to Learn Guide to the micro:bit" by
Pauline Maas and Peter Heldens offers 30 full-color, hands-on whimsical projects. Great for #makerspaces, #STEM #STEAM classes, #libraries, & home!
#libraries #steam #stem #makerspaces #microbit
This is it, this Friday at 1pm Pacific I will be streaming from the lab doing live Photomicroscopy and exploring the microscopic world of Polymaker filaments!!
#3dprinting #stem #makerspaces
#3dprinting #stem #makerspaces
@mrvapor I would love to see more publicly-funded and maintained #makerspaces as well #municipal and #county #libraries containing all kinds of #tools and #digital devices available for checkout, from crewel needles to electric drills in small locations throughout #cities and #rural areas. >>
#rural #cities #digital #tools #libraries #county #municipal #makerspaces
@pamelaconnects I've been building #EV's for about 15 years and a few years ago I was asked to run www.ElectrathonAmerica.org. My goal is to create a catalog of simple #OpenSource vehicles that people can build for local commuting to help address #Climate. I would love to get more involved in the #MakerSpaces community. I see these spaces, as well as #BicycleCo-Ops and #LBS (Local Bike Shops) as the best places to start.
#ev #opensource #climate #makerspaces #bicycleco #LBS
Hello Mastodon! I’m here hoping to connect with others who are #maker educators, artists and technologists- I work with #libraries and #makerspaces and lead grants that build #community around making. I am also interested in food, the arts, environmental sustainability work related to clean water, biological diversity, reducing waste and social and economic equity. #twitterexodus
#maker #libraries #makerspaces #community #twitterexodus