If this isn’t a telling sign, then I don’t know what is. While most people are struggling day to day, living pay cheque to pay cheque, #RishiRich flaunts he can afford to jump on the bandwagon 🙄 Do we need more proof #ToriesNotFitToGovern? Sooner we see the back of them the better #MakesMyBloodBoil
#makesmybloodboil #toriesnotfittogovern #rishirich
Can you blame them? Chronic under funding under the #Tories has led to the #NHS crumbling. The govt can’t “find” money to fund #payrises for essential #publicsector workers, yet can continue to waste taxpayer ££ on #BorisTheLiar’s #COVID enquiry & funding for the useless #Monarchy. Forget we the people facing #costofliving #makesmybloodboil https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jul/22/nhs-growing-exodus-senior-doctors-surgeons-foreign-healthcare-systems?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#makesmybloodboil #costofliving #monarchy #COVID #boristheliar #publicsector #payrises #nhs #tories
Food companies are adding sesame flour to foods that didn't have sesame so they can "comply" with new labeling requirements by always labeling "contains sesame" instead of instead of adding it to their existing cross-contamination protocols.
Meaning people with sesame allergy are suddenly finding that foods they used to be able to eat are now hazardous.
#allergy #foodallergy #MissingThePoint #MakesMyBloodBoil #enshittification
#allergy #foodallergy #missingthepoint #makesmybloodboil #enshittification