It had been so long since I have sewn anything that the pup had never seen my sewing machine! Luckily, compared to the vacuum, this was a relatively easy orientation! #DogTraining
Tailored an oversized #ShopSecondHand sweater to fit a bit better by putting a French seam in the back and taking out a few inches. Two darts in the waist of a #ThriftStoreFind pants and now they fit in the legs and waist #RunnerProblems !
#MakeThriftMend #Sewing #SewingMachine #VintageSewingMachine #SlowFashion
#slowfashion #vintagesewingmachine #sewingmachine #sewing #makethriftmend #runnerproblems #ThriftStoreFind #shopsecondhand #DogTraining
Fully embracing the #NormanRockwell of this holiday #MonDog ! Slowly stitching my way through my mending pile from under a mess of blankets and sleeping puppy. Favourite chew toy got repaired first - upholstery thread is amazing! One stuffy, one button, and I'm on the third pair of pants!
#HandStitched #MakeThriftMend #WasteNotWantNot #RepairYourClothes #NeedleAndThread
#NeedleAndThread #repairyourclothes #wastenotwantnot #makethriftmend #handstitched #mondog #normanrockwell
The Complicated Reality of Thrift Store 'Gentrification'
Thrift store gentrification describes the phenomenon of affluent shoppers who voluntarily buy merchandise from second-hand clothing stores.
#ThriftStoreFind #Thrifting #MakeThriftMend #ShopSecondhand #Vintage #Fashion #VintageFashion
#vintagefashion #fashion #vintage #shopsecondhand #makethriftmend #thrifting #ThriftStoreFind