Here is the last part of my @arduino Make Your Uno series for the time being - putting everything together for a MIDI Mozzi FM synth using the Synth Shield.
#Arduino #MIDI #Mozzi #Synthdiy #MakeYourUno
#arduino #midi #mozzi #synthdiy #makeyouruno
The 5th set of experiments for my @arduino Make Your Uno Synth Shield adds MIDI IN by building a DIY circuit onto the Make Your Uno practice PCB.
Done it. I've turned the @arduino Make Your Uno solder practice PCB into a MIDI IN interface :)
What do you think?
I'm wondering if I can turn the Make Your Uno practice pcb into a MIDI IN interface?
Part 4 of my @arduino Make Your Uno Synth Shield experiments is a port of the "O2 Minipops" drum machine (simplified).
Read more here:
#arduino #makeyouruno #synthdiy #o2minipops #oxygene
Have I just ported the O2 Minipops drum machine sketch over to my #MakeYourUno?
Maybe :)
Details to follow at some point...
Here's the second of my @arduino Make Your Uno synth shield experiments. This one is all about Mozzi, starting with the recommended sketch, some more examples, and finally my own 5-pot FM synth code.
#Arduino #MakeYourUno #Synthdiy #Mozzi
#arduino #makeyouruno #synthdiy #mozzi
Here are my first set of experiments for my @arduino Make Your Uno Synth Shield. This one is all about tones!
Having been pretty critical yesterday, I thought I'd be a bit nicer today and get it to play some Bach :)
#arduino #makeyouruno #synthdiy
Here is the first in a planned series of posts about the @arduino "Make Your Uno" Synth Board.
Warning: This first post is the critique (and although I really like this board, I am quite critical here) - to get that out of the way.
Future posts will move onto the fun stuff where I start to turn some of my existing projects over to run on the board.
#Arduino #MakeYourUno #Synthdiy
#arduino #makeyouruno #synthdiy
We have noises!
Right, time to write-up where I've got to so far... then the real fun begins :)
#arduino #makeyouruno #synthdiy
Ok. Anyone spot the flaw in my plan to use extended headers with the synth shield...?
Yep, that's right - no solder pads on the other side of the board!? Really @arduino? I so want to like this board and use it for more than just the basics!! :(
#arduino #makeyouruno #synthdiy #needaplanb
Right, I'm going to make a start on the synth shield, but not sure how far I'll get... I've nearly run out of solder!
Note: I plan to use extended headers rather than pin headers so I can use the GPIO pins!
#arduino #makeyouruno #synthdiy
Success! Upload works and no magic smoke :)
That's the Uno built... now to find a USB C cable to plug it in...
(I'd have thought that at this price point it could have included a cable!?)
Still this is a really nice thing to build :)
Right. Ready to start!
I've finally got myself an @arduino Make Your Uno kit now they're available in the UK :)
I'm planning to adapt some of my projects to it :)
#midi #arduino #diysynth #makeyouruno
Need a #MIDI interface for you nice, shiny, newly built @arduino #MakeYourUno Synth shield?
Here is my stackable, MIDI TRS interface shield using one of my MIDI Proto Shields.