What was one of the the things-to-have when you were a kid? Did you have that thing? Or did you find a creative way to make do with something similar? How did that work out for you, and how did you feel about it, either way? I'd love to hear those stories, if you're willing to share!
You can read the post that goes along with this on Patreon here:
This memory comic is speed-sketched on the back of an index card. I have a little box of memory fragments like this so they're all in one place, in case any of them fit into something larger later on.
So what was the thing-to-have way-back-when, and what was your relationship to it? I wanna know! ❤😺❤
#artjournaling #comics #artmastodon #mastoart #comicsjournaling #journalcomic #copingskills #dailyart #straighttoink #indexcardcomics #patreon
#disabledartist #memories #wheniwasakid #stickers #stickeralbum #lettering #Havenot #makingdo #makedo #traditionalmedia #graphicmemoir
#artjournaling #comics #artmastodon #mastoart #ComicsJournaling #journalcomic #CopingSkills #dailyart #StraightToInk #indexcardcomics #patreon #DisabledArtist #memories #wheniwasakid #stickers #stickeralbum #lettering #havenot #makingdo #makedo #traditionalmedia #graphicmemoir
Good evening.
Usually I'm good with a 'lemon, lime and bitters' but tonight is going very well with a happy Pimms. Cheers.🥂
Homemade but without all ingredients. Eeek. #MakingDo and pretending its like the one in the photo. 🍹
#makingdo #summer #relaxing #cocktails
I loathe this time of year. It is always hard on me. Has been for longer than it was ever fun. I actually dread it. The #loneliness. The barely #makingdo
This year I am bereft, missing my #BlackCat #George. He died just before my birthday in #August. He was sixteen and had been my closest companion in that time. Moreso than any of my alleged friends back when I trusted anyone.
I 've lost #cats before; it comes with the turf. But George's absence is so very deep. #JoinIn
#joinin #cats #august #George #blackcat #makingdo #loneliness
it was not enough
poem in Collected Poems (2013) by risa bear (shonin)
#poem #poetry #homesteading #land #makingdo
Cutting loops out of the insteps of some old workout socks that have lost elasticity, in order to use the loops in place of a scrunchie for my curly-hair-care nighttime loose topknot, and thinking about my paternal grandmother and how she would buy knee socks and after the feet wore out she'd cut off the feet and sew the legs shut to make ankle socks. #CurlyHairCare #reuse #SustainableLiving #MakingDo
#curlyhaircare #reuse #sustainableliving #makingdo
Cutting loops out of the insteps of some old workout socks that have lost elasticity, in order to use the loops in place of a scrunchie for my curly-hair-care nighttime loose topknot, and thinking about my paternal grandmother and how she would buy knee socks and after the feet wore out she'd cut off the feet and sew the legs shut to make ankle socks. #CurlyHairCare #reuse #SustainableLiving #MakingDo
#curlyhaircare #reuse #sustainableliving #makingdo
There’s no terror for a video operator on Shabbat like being down a camera for the rabbi emeritus’ son’s aufruf… #makingDo