The birthday party was lots of fun last night. There was flogging, and rope play, and wax play, and I had some SUPER-fun play time with a very good, very sexy blond friend of mine.
Then I had more play time with a new guy friend, and I made out with his pretty wife (when I could steal her way from grinding on partner's lap). THEN we went home and partner fucked my brains out.
I'd say it was a successful evening. 😋
Getting ready to head out on a hike today, with our dog, and the wife of the guy I was fooling around with last night.
Happy Saturday!
#BDSM #Saturday #BirthdayParty #NonMonogamy #MakingOutWithGirls #NSFW
#bdsm #saturday #birthdayparty #nonmonogamy #makingoutwithgirls #nsfw