The Crime and the Cover-up
#Trump #DonaldTrump #Nauta #Indictment #ClassifiedDocuments #Conspiracy #WillfulRetention #MarALago #MAL #SpecialCounsel #JackSmith #DOJ #Florida
#trump #donaldtrump #nauta #indictment #classifieddocuments #conspiracy #willfulretention #maralago #mal #specialcounsel #jacksmith #doj #florida
You know, I forget I’m not on the bird site where many people follow me and where you don’t have to use hashtags for people to find your posts. So let me use a few hashtags here.
#Trump #IndictmentDay #ObstructionOfJustice #Legal #MAL #ClassifiedDocuments
#trump #indictmentday #obstructionofjustice #legal #mal #classifieddocuments #videokilledtheradiostar
Via Joyce Vance:
"..Plenty of opportunity for Trump to manufacture delay & if this date slips, it makes it far less likely trial happens before the election. & setting it in Fort Pierce with its tiny courtroom & no cameras allowed is a disservice to democracy."
#TrumpIndictment #Documents #CorruptCannon #DOJ #legal #MAL #JackSmith
#trumpindictment #documents #corruptcannon #doj #legal #mal #jacksmith
Prosecutors are prepared to hit Trump and his allies with new charges, sources say. Prosecutors could bring between 30 to 45 additional criminal charges against the former president in the coming weeks, The Independent has learned by Andrew Feinberg #indepedent #jacksmith #MAL #maralago
#maralago #mal #jacksmith #indepedent
The Ultimate Deal
Fintan O’Toole
Trump’s hoarding of official secrets is both breathtakingly careless and utterly calculated.
New York Review of Books #NYRB #Trump #trumpindictment #maralago #MAL #treason
#treason #mal #maralago #trumpindictment #Trump #nyrb
regarding #Trumps poor taste, as shown by photos of his #MAL bathroom, around 1960, a wag remarked, after seeing the very $$ new hollywood home of a musical star:
I didnt know you could spend 100,000 dollars at Walmart
the original was 20,000 at woolworths; I have tried to translate it for kids
National Security Implications of Trump’s Indictment: A Damage Assessment #mal #maralago #trump #trumpindictment #nationalsecurity
#nationalsecurity #trumpindictment #Trump #maralago #mal
Extreme times calls for extreme journalism, @sbg1 in @newyorker : The indictment of Donald J. Trump, in the first-ever federal criminal case against a former President, which was released on Friday afternoon by the Justice Department, is a holy-shit document.
The Trump Indictment Speaks for Itself. Against the former President’s miasma of lies and disinformation, finally, a damning set of facts. By Susan B. Glasser, June 9, 2023 #trump #trumpindictment #mal #maralago
#maralago #mal #trumpindictment #Trump
The documents strewn about the floor of the storage means--implies, what? It suggests that someone was rifling through the contents of those boxes and --what--was interrupted, in such a hurry to leave, not be discovered..that they grabbed what they needed and got out.
who knows what this means..for our NATIONAL SECURITY #trump #trumpindictment #mal #maralago #documents #nationalSecurity #treason
#treason #nationalsecurity #documents #maralago #mal #trumpindictment #Trump
Famous Nuclear Physicist, Donald Trump: Undated document concerning nuclear weaponry of the UnitedStates. #mal #maralago #nationalsecurity #trump #trumpindictment
#trumpindictment #Trump #nationalsecurity #maralago #mal
What are the implications of this: Document dated December 2019 concerning foreign country support of terrorist acts
against United States interests.
#trump #trumpindictment #mal #maralago #nationalsecurity
#nationalsecurity #maralago #mal #trumpindictment #Trump
Document dated October 4 , 2019, concerning military capabilities of a foreign
country #trump #trumpindictment #mal #maralago #nationalsecurity
Some esoteric stuff. What country? Why? Why would Donald Trump *read* that?
#nationalsecurity #maralago #mal #trumpindictment #Trump
Document dated June 4 , 2020, concerning White House intelligence briefing related
to various foreign countries.
#trump #trumpindictment #mal #maralago #nationalsecurity
yeah. the guy who had the attention span of a flea and doesn't read.. yeah. He made bank on America's secrets. Consquences be damned. "I got mine."
#nationalsecurity #maralago #mal #trumpindictment #Trump
Documentdated June 2020 concerning nuclear capabilities of a foreign country #trump #trumpindictment #mal #maralago #nationalsecurity
#nationalsecurity #maralago #mal #trumpindictment #Trump
Document dated May 6 , 2019, concerning White House intelligence briefing related
to foreign countries, including military activities and planning of foreign countries, #trumpindictment #maralago #mal #trump #nationalsecurity
#nationalsecurity #Trump #mal #maralago #trumpindictment
More boxes taken to residence than returned:
62. In sum, between May 23, 2022, and June 2, 2022, before Trump Attorney [Corcoran] review of TRUMP's boxes in the Storage Room, NAUTA at TRUMP's direction moved approximately 64 boxes from the Storage Room to TRUMP's residence and brought to the Storage Room only approximately 30 boxes . Neither TRUMP nor NAUTA informed Trump Attorney 1 of this information.
#trump #trumpindictment #MAL #Maralago #jacksmith #Nationalsecurity
#nationalsecurity #jacksmith #maralago #mal #trumpindictment #Trump
@cspan Special Counsel Jack Smith Delivers Statement on Indictment of President Trump
Jack Smith, special counsel investigating President Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents, delivers a statement from the Justice Department on the recent indictment of the former president. #indictment #jacksmith #DOJ #trumpindictment #trump #MAL #Maralago
#maralago #mal #Trump #trumpindictment #doj #jacksmith #indictment
@Msnbc pulled in Nicolle Wallace for Noon.. today. Early. Very good call. #trumpindictment #trump #maralago #MAL #Nationalsecurity
#nationalsecurity #mal #maralago #Trump #trumpindictment
33. On July 21,2021, when he was no longer president, TRUMP gave an interview in his office at The Bedminster Club to a writer and a publisher in connection with a then-forthcoming book. #trump #trumpindictment #MAL #Maralago #Nationalsecurity
#nationalsecurity #maralago #mal #trumpindictment #Trump