Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
165 followers · 2839 posts · Server

: Misleading carry negative for the because they are not the released… not reducing deforestation as much as claimed, and for the future finance of because the reputational risks of being tainted by accusations of may deter future - Julia P. G. Jones

#maladaptations #offsets #consequences #climate #offsetting #emissions #forestconservation #greenwash #investments #deforestation

Last updated 1 year ago

Gary · @empiricism
351 followers · 2622 posts · Server

The nervous system is electro-chemical. Thought's are the product of electro-chemical reactivity. Heat is one byproduct of a chemical reaction. Consciousness is another. Whilst science currently does not have a complete understanding of consciousness, all the experimental & observational evidence would lead a reasoned person, who is aware of that evidence, to conclude that consciousness is biological.

Therefore, the intrinsic fuel for consciousness is food & water (& external aspects that sustain the organisms bio systems within sustainable limits. E.g., temperature)

Scientifically, the explanations in this post are not controversial nor speculative (However, folk psychology, etc).

Organism that think (e.g., mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians & fish) & don't think (e.g., plants, fungi, etc) evolved.

Conscious thoughts are (adaptive), (maladaptive), ("noise") & . (E.g., disease). Conscious thoughts are nature & nurture. For example, inheritance & learning (experience).

Beliefs either have an adaptive (e.g., placebo), maladaptive or benign quality. Understanding is adaptive. Misunderstanding is adaptive, if the mistake is recognised & leads to adaptation. If the mistake is implicit, the misunderstanding is maladaptive (e.g., dogma).

The human mind has evolved to be a general adaptive system (general intelligence). The more an individual organism is aware of their minds adaptive & maladaptive characteristics, the more generally adaptive that mind.

Humanity must adapt to sustain (environment). Does humanity, in general, have what it takes? Does humanity have sufficient general adaptive intelligence? Or is humanity ecologically maladapted?

Time will "tell".

#cognitivepsychology #adaptations #maladaptations #malfunctions #ecology #psychology #byproducts #science

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
351 followers · 2617 posts · Server

The nervous system is electro-chemical. Thought's are the product of electro-chemical reactivity. Heat is one byproduct of a chemical reaction. Consciousness is another. Whilst science currently does not have a complete understanding of consciousness, all the experimental & observational evidence would lead a reasoned person, who is aware of that evidence, to conclude that consciousness is biological.

Therefore, the intrinsic fuel for consciousness is food & water (& external aspects that sustain the organisms bio systems within sustainable limits. E.g., temperature)

Scientifically, the explanations in this post are not controversial nor speculative (However, folk psychology, etc).

Organism that think (e.g., mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians & fish) & don't think (e.g., plants, fungi, etc) evolved.

Conscious thoughts are (adaptive), (maladaptive), ("noise") & . (E.g., disease). Conscious thoughts are nature & nurture. For example, inheritance & learning (experience).

Beliefs either have an adaptive (e.g., placebo), maladaptive or benign quality. Understanding is adaptive. Misunderstanding is adaptive, if the mistake is recognised & leads to adaptation. If the mistake is implicit, the misunderstanding is maladaptive (e.g., dogma).

The human mind has evolved to be a general adaptive system (general intelligence). The more an individual organism is aware of their minds adaptive & maladaptive characteristics, the more generally adaptive that mind.

Humanity must adapt to sustain (environment). Does humanity, in general, have what it takes? Does humanity have sufficient general adaptive intelligence? Or is humanity ecologically maladapted?

Time will "tell".

#malfunctions #CogntivePsychology #adaptations #maladaptations #byproducts #ecology #science #psychology

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary :rainbow_flag: :oa: · @empiricism
153 followers · 342 posts · Server

101 - explained in layperson's terms.

A multitude of interdisciplinary scientific publications can be referenced for the following information. Basically, I will not be "cherry-picking" research as the following info represents the general scientific literature on the key subjects. For example

Therefore, whilst I may not have the title of, for example, professor, that isn't relevant in the context of the following information.

The scientific literature is the authority, not the individual. Of course, most often than not, those with a degree, master's, doctorate, professor, etc - will be more informed of the scientific literature.

I welcome critical evaluation of the following information. FYI, I will intentionally be using "everyday" language. Although, I will # the key scientific terminology.

Genetic replication is the "meaning" of life. Though genes have zero agency - that's why I put quotation marks around "meaning". Agency (meaning, motivation, etc) is an evolutionary adaptation. Some organisms have agency, for example, humans, whilst others don't. For example, plants and fungi.

And of course, if you're sitting on a chair whilst you read this (or deny the information) - the chair has no intrinsic meaning. The universe has no intrinsic meaning. Assuming our "universe" is not one dimension amongst a multitude of multiverses that we can't perceive. I don't think so, but that's only speculation.

1. All living (plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, etc) including are the outcome of - that includes are the regulatory filters of

All mammals share a common ancestor. Humans have hands with opposable digits because we are primates (all primates share common anatomical and physiological features. & to some degree - behavioral psychologies)

Sentient organisms such as have psychological behavioral - , & (& some ).

However, the majority of organisms on planet earth, including some humans, do not know they are animals. Even though they behave exactly as animals do

Consciousness is an adaptation .

The majority of human physiological functioning is implicit (non-conscious biological processors). The biological sciences have provided explicit knowledge regarding how our implicit physiological systems function. For example, external sound is converted into signals and these signals tend to be transmitted toward the part of the brain termed the

Thoughts and feelings may be implicit or explicit .

The background knowledge of evolutionary biology (plus the subjects that have been #) can be used to improve any individual's self-awareness - therefore increasing their self-understanding of their Cognitive .

Metacognitive is an adaptive system. Therefore it can be updated when a person recognizes how and why their mind functions.

Evolutionary biology is the study of how? and why? organisms evolved and what they do with those adaptations. And how they may continue to evolve. To reiterate, evolution is the outcome of natural selection (genetic replication). Therefore, evolution is not aiming for the "perfection" of an organism.

Organisms may have maladaptations because the environmental conditions (variables) can change faster than evolutionary processors. The behaviors that explicitly exemplify this are the human maladaptations that are degrading their environments (oh dear!). However, many of those behaviors are due to nurturing. For example, children are taught to eat meat and blame vegans for choosing a more ethical diet. Nurturing, for example, learning and associated learning are also evolutionary adaptations (heuristics)

Questions and or constructive critique of this toot, are most welcome. However, what would be even more welcome would be to paraphrase "Show me the evidence!"

In the context of evolutionary biology - there are research papers going back hundreds of years ( i.e., Scientific publications going back as far as Charles Darwin et al.)

Although, for any newbies to the subject - I recommend the 'Thirteen Misunderstandings
About Natural Selection "

Al-Shawaf, L., Zreik, K., & Buss, D. M. (2018b). Thirteen Misunderstandings About Natural Selection. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1–14.

Open access copy

Curiosity is only natural! Evolution is only natural. Repressing knowledge is also natural. But is it healthy?

#neuroscience #organisms #homosapiens #evolution #naturalselection #sexualselection #geneticmutations #mammals #adaptations #byproducts #maladaptations #GeneticDrift #poop #breath #eat #drink #etc #InformationProcessing #objective #electrochemical #subjective #nervoussystem #AuditoryCortex #emotions #metacognition #cognition #heuristics #evolutionarybiology #CogntivePsychology #socialpsychology #developmentalpsychology #psychology

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary :rainbow_flag: :oa: · @empiricism
153 followers · 342 posts · Server

101 - explained in layperson's terms.

A multitude of interdisciplinary scientific publications can be referenced for the following information. Basically, I will not be "cherry-picking" research as the following info represents the general scientific literature on the key subjects. For example

Therefore, whilst I may not have the title of, for example, professor, that isn't relevant in the context of the following information.

The scientific literature is the authority, not the individual. Of course, most often than not, those with a degree, master's, doctorate, professor, etc - will be more informed of the scientific literature.

I welcome critical evaluation of the following information. FYI, I will intentionally be using "everyday" language. Although, I will # the key scientific terminology.

Genetic replication is the "meaning" of life. Though genes have zero agency - that's why I put quotation marks around "meaning". Agency (meaning, motivation, etc) is an evolutionary adaptation. Some organisms have agency, for example, humans, whilst others don't. For example, plants and fungi.

And of course, if you're sitting on a chair whilst you read this (or deny the information) - the chair has no intrinsic meaning. The universe has no intrinsic meaning. Assuming our "universe" is not one dimension amongst a multitude of multiverses that we can't perceive. I don't think so, but that's only speculation.

1. All living (plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, etc) including are the outcome of - that includes are the regulatory filters of

All mammals share a common ancestor. Humans have hands with opposable digits because we are primates (all primates share common anatomical and physiological features. & to some degree - behavioral psychologies)

Sentient organisms such as have psychological behavioral - , & (& some ).

However, the majority of organisms on planet earth, including some humans, do not know they are animals. Even though they behave exactly as animals do

Consciousness is an adaptation .

The majority of human physiological functioning is implicit (non-conscious biological processors). The biological sciences have provided explicit knowledge regarding how our implicit physiological systems function. For example, external sound is converted into signals and these signals tend to be transmitted toward the part of the brain termed the

Thoughts and feelings may be implicit or explicit .

The background knowledge of evolutionary biology (plus the subjects that have been #) can be used to improve any individual's self-awareness - therefore increasing their self-understanding of their Cognitive .

Metacognitive is an adaptive system. Therefore it can be updated when a person recognizes how and why their mind functions.

Evolutionary biology is the study of how? and why? organisms evolved and what they do with those adaptations. And how they may continue to evolve. To reiterate, evolution is the outcome of natural selection (genetic replication). Therefore, evolution is not aiming for the "perfection" of an organism.

Organisms may have maladaptations because the environmental conditions (variables) can change faster than evolutionary processors. The behaviors that explicitly exemplify this are the human maladaptations that are degrading their environments (oh dear!). However, many of those behaviors are due to nurturing. For example, children are taught to eat meat and blame vegans for choosing a more ethical diet. Nurturing, for example, learning and associated learning are also evolutionary adaptations (heuristics)

Questions and or constructive critique of this toot, are most welcome. However, what would be even more welcome would be to paraphrase "Show me the evidence!"

In the context of evolutionary biology - there are research papers going back hundreds of years ( i.e., Scientific publications going back as far as Charles Darwin et al.)

Although, for any newbies to the subject - I recommend the 'Thirteen Misunderstandings
About Natural Selection "

Al-Shawaf, L., Zreik, K., & Buss, D. M. (2018b). Thirteen Misunderstandings About Natural Selection. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1–14.

Open access copy

Curiosity is only natural! Evolution is only natural. Repressing knowledge is also natural. But is it healthy?

#psychology #neuroscience #DevelopementalPsychology #organisms #geneticmutations #mammals #adaptations #poop #breath #objective #AuditoryCortex #cognition #heuristics #evolutionarybiology #homosapiens #evolution #naturalselection #sexualselection #byproducts #maladaptations #GeneticDrift #drink #InformationProcessing #CogntivePsychology #socialpsychology #eat #etc #electrochemical #subjective #nervoussystem #emotions #metacognition

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary :rainbow_flag: :oa: · @empiricism
153 followers · 341 posts · Server

101 - explained in layperson's terms.

A multitude of interdisciplinary scientific publications can be referenced for the following information. Basically, I will not be "cherry-picking" research as the following info represents the general scientific literature on the key subjects. For example

Therefore, whilst I may not have the title of, for example, professor, that isn't relevant in the context of the following information.

The scientific literature is the authority, not the individual. Of course, most often than not, those with a degree, master's, doctorate, professor, etc - will be more informed of the scientific literature.

I welcome critical evaluation of the following information. FYI, I will intentionally be using "everyday" language. Although, I will # the key scientific terminology.

Genetic replication is the "meaning" of life. Though genes have zero agency - that's why I put quotation marks around "meaning". Agency (meaning, motivation, etc) is an evolutionary adaptation. Some organisms have agency, for example, humans, whilst others don't. For example, plants and fungi.

And of course, if you're sitting on a chair whilst you read this (or deny the information) - the chair has no intrinsic meaning. The universe has no intrinsic meaning. Assuming our "universe" is not one dimension amongst a multitude of multiverses that we can't perceive. I don't think so, but that's only speculation.

1. All living (plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, etc) including are the outcome of - that includes are the regulatory filters of

All mammals share a common ancestor. Humans have hands with opposable digits because we are primates (all primates share common anatomical and physiological features. & to some degree - behavioral psychologies)

Sentient organisms such as have psychological behavioral - , & (& some ).

However, the majority of organisms on planet earth, including some humans, do not know they are animals. Even though they behave exactly as animals do

Consciousness is an adaptation .

The majority of human physiological functioning is implicit (non-conscious biological processors). The biological sciences have provided explicit knowledge regarding how our implicit physiological systems function. For example, external sound is converted into signals and these signals tend to be transmitted toward the part of the brain termed the

Thoughts and feelings may be implicit or explicit .

The background knowledge of evolutionary biology (plus the subjects that have been #) can be used to improve any individual's self-awareness - therefore increasing their self-understanding of their Cognitive .

Metacognitive is an adaptive system. Therefore it can be updated when a person recognizes how and why their mind functions.

Evolutionary biology is the study of how? and why? organisms evolved and what they do with those adaptations. And how they may continue to evolve. To reiterate, evolution is the outcome of natural selection (genetic replication). Therefore, evolution is not aiming for the "perfection" of an organism.

Organisms may have maladaptations because the environmental conditions (variables) can change faster than evolutionary processors. The behaviors that explicitly exemplify this are the human maladaptations that are degrading their environments (oh dear!). However, many of those behaviors are due to nurturing. For example, children are taught to eat meat and blame vegans for choosing a more ethical diet. Nurturing, for example, learning and associated learning are also evolutionary adaptations (heuristics)

Questions and or constructive critique of this toot, are most welcome. However, what would be even more welcome would be to paraphrase "Show me the evidence!"

In the context of evolutionary biology - there are research papers going back hundreds of years ( i.e., Scientific publications going back as far as Charles Darwin et al.)

Although, for any newbies to the subject - I recommended the 'Thirteen Misunderstandings
About Natural Selection "

Al-Shawaf, L., Zreik, K., & Buss, D. M. (2018b). Thirteen Misunderstandings About Natural Selection. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1–14.

Open access copy

Curiosity is only natural! Evolution is only natural. Repressing knowledge is also natural. But is it healthy?

#adaptations #byproducts #drink #etc #InformationProcessing #objective #electrochemical #socialpsychology #psychology #neuroscience #evolution #naturalselection #sexualselection #geneticmutations #mammals #nervoussystem #AuditoryCortex #emotions #maladaptations #GeneticDrift #eat #subjective #metacognition #poop #breath #cognition #heuristics #evolutionarybiology #CogntivePsychology #DevelopementalPsychology #organisms #homosapiens

Last updated 2 years ago