Why we didn't get a #malaria #vaccine sooner
Tens of millions of #Americans are absolutely convinced the the multiple prosecutions of #Trump et al. are politically motivated, with no basis in actual crimes, and should be thrown out immediately on that basis. Many of them affect to believe that any #prosecution of a former #President should be off the table, because it’s “bad for #democracy” or “like something out of a third-world country” or some other content-free criticism. Most would of course cheerfully see #Biden thrown in prison for no provable #crime—but we know expecting consistency from them is a mug’s game.
Anyway. These people are enemies of the #United #States of #America. We owe their opinions no more consideration than we do the viewpoint of a #malaria-infected #mosquito.
#prosecution #crime #united #america #malaria #americans #democracy #biden #president #states #trump #mosquito
We’re back! And it’s monthly recap time: we're revisiting the best & most important stories we've found this summer: from young activists bringing a successful climate lawsuit to the roll-out of the world's 1st #malaria #vaccine in 12 African countries.👇
Microbe stops mosquitoes from harboring #malaria parasite. The strategy could provide additional weapon against spread of deadly disease https://www.science.org/content/article/microbe-stops-mosquitoes-harboring-malaria-parasite
#globalhealth #internationalhealth #Africa #healthcare
#Healthcare #Africa #internationalhealth #globalhealth #malaria
The distribution of insecticide-treated nets has been a successful #malaria prevention strategy, but #vector #mosquitoes have become resistant. Nets with dual active-ingredients can control such resistant vectors. Review of research on this approach in the journal PLoS ONE (2023, vol. 18, issue 8, art. e0289469) by Timothy Hugh Barker and others - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0289469
Udhayanidhi Stalin, Tamil Nadu minister and son of Chief Minister MK Stalin, said on Saturday that Sanatana Dharma is against the idea of social justice and must be "eradicated".
#SanatanaDharma #Dengue #Malaria #MKStalin #SonTriggersHugeRow
#sanatanadharma #dengue #malaria #mkstalin #sontriggershugerow
The Danger of ‘Invisible’ #Biolabs Across the U.S.
Opinion by Dan Greene, August 31, 2023
"Recently, many #California residents were disturbed to learn that a small, privately-operated bio lab in the #CentralValley town of #Reedley was shut down by Fresno County Department of Public Health officials after they found that it had been improperly managing almost 1,000 laboratory mice and samples of infectious diseases including #COVID19, #rubella, #malaria, #dengue, #chlamydia, #hepatitis, and #HIV. The lab was registered to a company called #PrestigeBiotech that sold a variety of medical testing kits, including for pregnancy and COVID-19, and it was likely storing disease samples for the purpose of developing and validating its testing kits. Government authorities are still investigating the company’s history, but it appears to have previously operated a lab in Fresno under the name Universal MediTech, where city officials flagged it for investigation regarding improperly stored chemicals.
"From what is publicly known, the Reedley lab should likely have followed proper biosafety practices to minimize the risks of an #outbreak, and it apparently failed to do so. It could have caused illness, disruption, or even death among local communities and beyond depending on the circumstances of an outbreak. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (#CDC) maintains a system of four 'Biosafety Level' standards that are used worldwide for work with dangerous pathogens. Based on the pathogens that were being used at the Reedley lab, it probably should have followed Biosafety Level 3, which involves controlling the airflow inside the lab as well as a host of other practices, equipment, and facility design requirements.
"Yet, astonishingly, the U.S. government seems to not have even known that the Reedley lab existed until it was discovered by chance by Jesalyn Harper, an observant local city code enforcement officer—the only such officer working full-time in the entire city. Once discovered, the Fresno County and California Departments of Public Health found it to be in violation of local and state codes, including those for registering clinical labs and managing medical waste. Based on our reading of available information, it was likely also in violation of federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations for protecting workers from bloodborne pathogens. But these codes require proactive reporting, and the lab simply never reported any issues to regulators. In slightly different circumstances, it would likely have continued to operate unnoticed for a long time."
#BioHazard #LabSafety #Pathogens
Potential #Pandemic #LabLeak
#biolabs #california #centralvalley #reedley #COVID19 #Rubella #malaria #dengue #Chlamydia #hepatitis #HIV #prestigebiotech #outbreak #cdc #biohazard #LabSafety #pathogens #pandemic #LabLeak
1. BIZNAGA - mediocridad y confort
2. HAMMERED HULLS - hardest road
3. FEMMAGOTS - parking lot
4. MALARIA - Geld
5. ABORTED TORTOISE - smart home
6. GHOULIES - self-help
7. 39 CLOCKS - aspetando godot
8. FCKR - tod
9. FLIPPER - get away
10. MERCENÁRIAS - meus pais
11. THE
#39clocks #abortedtortoise #biznaga #echothebunnymen #fall #fckr #femmaggots #flipper #ghoulies #guerrillerorojo #hammeredhulls #malaria #mercenrias #Nico
New Sticky Weather newsletter is out today! In this issue: someone claims to have sabotaged construction equipment working on the #MountainValleyPipeline, locally-acquired #malaria and #denguefever cases are popping up in #Texas and #Florida, activists sue again to #StopCopCity, and more. #climate #news #thesouth https://open.substack.com/pub/stickyweather/p/tensions-still-high-over-the-mountain?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
#mountainvalleypipeline #malaria #denguefever #texas #florida #stopcopcity #climate #news #thesouth
"Overall, our study suggests that the ongoing selective pressures exerted on parasite populations in Ethiopia by HRP2-based RDT diagnosis and ACT treatment might result in co-occurrence of diagnostic and drug resistance, representing a double threat to #malaria elimination."
#Plasmodium falciparum resistant to #artemisinin and diagnostics have emerged in Ethiopia
#malaria #Plasmodium #artemisinin #AMR
Moskitonetze vs. andere Moskitoabwehrmittel: Ein Vergleich der Wirksamkeit und Anwendbarkeit
In den letzten Jahren hat Deutschland eine Zunahme der Moskito-Population erlebt, die sowohl Einheimische als auch Touristen ins Schwitzen bringt.
#denguefieber #insektenschutz #malaria #moskitonetze
Not good.
'Data from Uganda showed the emergence of partial resistance to artemisinins in multiple geographic locations, with increasing prevalence and regional spread over time.'
#Malaria #PublicHealth
Not elections in Gabon. Not Ukraine. Not the crisis in Niger. Not protests in Syria.
Let alone the 1,323 children under 5 who died of #malaria yesterday.
No. This.
"Durchbruch bei Malaria-Bekämpfung"
"#Malaria verläuft besonders bei Kindern oft tödlich. Eine Kombination aus Impfung und Medikamenten hat die Zahl der Infektionen und damit auch der Sterblichkeit nun dramatisch reduziert, zeigt eine neue Studie."
:mastoread: via #mdr
#GuteNachrichtenSamstag #malaria #mdr
"While effective in eliminating dangerous #mosquitoes that carry #malaria, #DDT also has a variety of #hazardous effects: Especially among young children, the chemical has been shown to damage the nervous, immune, endocrine, and neurological systems, not to mention its devastating influence on the natural #environment. The spread of DDT across mid-century America is mirrored today by the success of #Monsanto (one of the companies that originally manufactured DDT) in placing its #GeneticallyModified products on store shelves before researchers have a full understanding of their larger ecological impacts."
#mosquitoes #malaria #ddt #hazardous #environment #monsanto #geneticallymodified
"Resistance selection in Uganda may also have been furthered by the use of #artemisinin monotherapy, with the artemisinin component unprotected by a long-acting partner drug. The use of artemisinin monotherapy to treat uncomplicated malaria has been discouraged, but the practice persists."
Evolution of Partial Resistance to Artemisinins in #Malaria Parasites in Uganda
#artemisinin #malaria #IDMastodon #AMR #infectiousdiseases
@AlexPed fantastic news!
If anyone interested in original study link, it's here https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(23)00368-7/fulltext
#malaria #infectiousdiseases #medicine #IDMastodon #vaccine #vaccination @infectiousdiseases
#malaria #infectiousdiseases #medicine #IDMastodon #Vaccine #vaccination
#Malaria: Dramatic reductions in cases and deaths continue over five years with seasonal malaria vaccine-drug combination
📌 The final results of a landmark study confirm that the benefits of combining the RTS,S/AS01E (RTS,S) malaria #vaccine with antimalarial drugs in settings of highly seasonal malaria transmission continue over five years.
📌 The vaccine-drug combination reduced malaria episodes, severe malaria, and deaths in young children by nearly two-thirds
Recent cases of locally transmitted malaria in MD, TX, and FL—as well as dengue in FL—illustrate the urgent need to expand our nation's capacity to prevent and respond to threats posed by mosquitoes, ticks, and other arthropod carriers of disease. ESA and the Vector-Borne Disease Network urge lawmakers to respond w/ robust investment in our nation's public health infrastructure. Preventing the next pandemic may depend on it. #entomology #mosquitoes #malaria MORE: https://entsoc.org/news/press-releases/malaria-us-wake-up-call-strengthen-vector-borne-disease-response
#entomology #mosquitoes #malaria