L’arringa per la difesa di Gaetano Bresci nel processo per il regicidio
La sera di domenica 29 luglio 1900, l’anarchico Gaetano Bresci uccise il re d’Italia Umberto I sparandogli con una rivoltella. Dopo il rifiuto di Filippo Turati, Bresci fu difeso al processo dall’avvocato Francesco Merlino. Abbiamo recu
#Approfondimenti #anarchia #anarchici #Bresci #MALATESTA #Merlino #Turati
#Turati #merlino #malatesta #bresci #anarchici #anarchia #Approfondimenti
123 anni fa Gaetano Bresci uccideva Umberto primo, re d’Italia
123 anni fa Gaetano Bresci uccideva Umberto primo, re d'Italia
Nelle righe che seguono un famoso articolo di Errico Malatesta su quel fatto.
La tragedia di Monza
Un altro fatto di sangue è venuto ad addolorare gli animi sensibili … ed a ricordare ai potenti che
#Approfondimenti #anarchia #Bresci #MALATESTA #UmbertoI
#umbertoi #malatesta #bresci #anarchia #Approfondimenti
ANARCHIA Di Errico Malatesta
Il significato di Anarchia nell'accezione di Errico Malatesta.
Di Errico Malatesta
Anarchia è parola che viene dal greco, e significa propriamente senza
governo: stato di un popolo che si regge senza autorità costituite,
senza governo.
Prima che tale ordinamento incominciasse ad essere co
#Approfondimenti #anarchia #anarchici #anarchismo #libert #MALATESTA #SOCIALISMO
#socialismo #malatesta #libert #anarchismo #anarchici #anarchia #Approfondimenti
22 juillet 1932, mort d'Errico #MALATESTA https://www.partage-noir.fr/-malatesta-revue-itineraire-une-vie-une-pensee-no5-6-
A Constituent Assembly is the means used by the privileged classes, when a dictatorship is not possible, either to prevent a #revolution, or, when a revolution has already broken out, to stop its progress with the excuse of legalizing it, and to take back as much as possible of the gains that the #people had made during the #insurrectional period.
– Errico #Malatesta, Against the Constituent Assembly as against the #Dictatorship, 1930
#quote #quotes #classwar
#Revolution #people #insurrectional #malatesta #dictatorship #quote #quotes #classwar
"Dentro del socialismo, los integrantes de la veta llamada «científica», que adoptaron las
teorías de Marx, se han mofado durante mucho tiempo del «moralismo» de los anarquistas. La paradoja es que ellos mismos, en la medida en que militaban por el socialismo no llevados por deseos de dominio o intereses personales, sino por una exigencia de justicia, obedecían a un impulso ético. Pero no lo reconocían, al buscar para la lucha y la conquista de un mundo mejor los caminos del poder, ya se situaban en el terreno dominado por la máxima «el fin justifica los medios», encuadrando su acción en el marco de las leyes, pretendidamente «científicas», de la historia."
-Luce Fabbri. (El carácter ético del Anarquismo)
#Anarquismo #Anarquia #Filosofia #Etica #ApoyoMutuo #AyudaMutua #LuceFabbri #Kropotkin #Bakunin #Malatesta #AnarcoComunismo #ComunismoLibertario
#anarquismo #anarquia #filosofia #etica #apoyomutuo #ayudamutua #lucefabbri #kropotkin #bakunin #malatesta #anarcocomunismo #comunismolibertario
#Malatesta #Luigi_Fabbri #anarchisme #bolchevisme #Révolution #URSS #Russie
" La matière du livre est un cas particulier du vieux et éternel conflit entre liberté et autorité qui a envahi toute l’Histoire passée et travaille plus que jamais le monde contemporain ; des vicissitudes de ce conflit dépend le sort de la révolution en acte et de celles qui sont à venir (...) "
⏩ Lire l’article complet…
▶️ https://www.socialisme-libertaire.fr/2023/04/errico-malatesta-bolchevisme-et-anarchisme.html
#russie #urss #Revolution #Bolchevisme #Anarchisme #luigi_fabbri #malatesta
#mastolibri #anarchia
da che libro parto se voglio leggere qualcosa di #malatesta?
#mastolibri #anarchia #malatesta
De igual modo que todos los animales, el hombre se adapta, se habitúa a la condiciones del medio en que vive, y por herencia transmite los hábitos y costumbres adquiridos. Nacido y criado en la esclavitud, heredero de una larga progenie de esclavos, el hombre, cuando ha comenzado a pensar, ha creído que la servidumbre era condición esencial de vida: la libertad le ha parecido un imposible.
Es así como el trabajador, constreñido durante siglos a esperar y obtener el trabajo, es decir, el pan, de la voluntad, y a veces del humor de un amo, y acostumbrado a ver continuamente su vida a merced de quien posee tierra y capital, ha concluido por creer que era el dueño, el señor o patron quien le daba de comer. Ingenuo y sencillo, ha llegado a hacerse la pregunta siguiente: "¿Cómo me arreglaría yo para poder comer si los señores no existieran?"
-Errico Malatesta.
#anarquismo #anarquia #malatesta #filosofia #politica #rebelion #rebeldia
Nero ferrarese – Malatesta. Indagini di uno sbirro anarchico
Nero ferrareseMalatesta. Indagini di uno sbirro anarchicoLorenzo MazzoniRomanzo poliziescoMille Battute EdizioniGennaio 2023 (Quinta edizione)158Link al libro
Una Ferrara ancora scossa per l’omicidio di Federico Aldrovand
#Recensionilibri #Aldovrandi #anarchia #Ferrara #malatesta #Mazzoni #neofascismo #polizia #poliziesco #thriller
#recensionilibri #aldovrandi #anarchia #ferrara #malatesta #mazzoni #neofascismo #polizia #poliziesco #thriller
« Nous savons que nous-mêmes ne sommes pas sans défaut et que les meilleurs d’entre nous seraient vite corrompus par l’exercice du pouvoir. Nous prenons les hommes pour ce qu’ils sont — et c’est pour cela que nous haïssons le gouvernement de l’homme par l’homme. »
★ Kropotkine
★ #Malatesta #Kropotkine #anarchisme #communisme_libertaire #autogestion #émancipation #écologie #antimilitarisme #anticléricalisme #fédéralisme_libertaire #feminisme #antiétatisme #anticapitalisme #antifascisme #internationalisme
#internationalisme #Antifascisme #anticapitalisme #antietatisme #Feminisme #federalisme_libertaire #anticlericalisme #antimilitarisme #ecologie #emancipation #autogestion #communisme_libertaire #Anarchisme #kropotkine #malatesta
#Punk #Deutschpunk #Munich #Muenchen
#TodeskommandoAtomsturm - Hunger der Hyänen
.. und noch mehr aus Muenchen
#Malatesta - Unter Tage
... und dann noch (nicht Muenchen .. aber #Mannheim)
Chaoze One mit der Venti Band - Dachsession auf dem Nationaltheater Mannheim
#mannheim #hardcore #crustpunk #crust #malatesta #todeskommandoatomsturm #muenchen #munich #deutschpunk #punk
★ #Malatesta
#anarchisme #communisme_libertaire #autogestion #émancipation #écologie #antimilitarisme #anticléricalisme #fédéralisme_libertaire #feminisme #antiétatisme #anticapitalisme #antifascisme #internationalisme...
#internationalisme #Antifascisme #anticapitalisme #antietatisme #Feminisme #federalisme_libertaire #anticlericalisme #antimilitarisme #ecologie #emancipation #autogestion #communisme_libertaire #Anarchisme #malatesta
★ #Malatesta #pouvoir #anarchisme #communisme_libertaire #autogestion #émancipation #écologie #antimilitarisme #anticléricalisme #fédéralisme_libertaire #feminisme #antiétatisme #anticapitalisme #antifascisme #internationalisme...
#internationalisme #Antifascisme #anticapitalisme #antietatisme #Feminisme #federalisme_libertaire #anticlericalisme #antimilitarisme #ecologie #emancipation #autogestion #communisme_libertaire #Anarchisme #pouvoir #malatesta
Anarchismo realizzabile e realizzatore https://umanitanova.org/anarchismo-realizzabile-e-realizzatore/ #storiadelmovimentoanarchico #editoriaanarchica #zeroincondotta #Anarchismo #Malatesta #Articoli #numero_9 #editoria #Culture #libri #2023
#storiadelmovimentoanarchico #editoriaanarchica #zeroincondotta #anarchismo #malatesta #articoli #numero_9 #editoria #culture #libri
We asked #ChatGPT to write an interview between us and an #anarchist thinker. This is what we got. #malatesta
Jose-Antonio Orosco: Hello Errico, it's great to have this opportunity to talk with you. As one of the most influential anarchist thinkers of the 19th and 20th centuries, your writings have had a profound impact on the development of anarchist theory and practice. I would like to start by asking you about your views on the nature of anarchism.
Errico Malatesta: Thank you, Jose-Antonio. It's an honor to be here with you. For me, anarchism is a political philosophy that seeks to create a society based on freedom, equality, and solidarity. Anarchists believe that this can only be achieved through the abolition of all forms of authority, including the state, capitalism, and hierarchy. Anarchism is not about chaos or disorder, as some people may think, but rather about creating a society where everyone has an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.
Jose-Antonio Orosco: That's a great definition of anarchism, Errico. But how do you see the challenges facing anarchism today, particularly in the context of the current political and social landscape?
Errico Malatesta: Well, Jose-Antonio, I think one of the biggest challenges facing anarchism today is the widespread belief that there is no alternative to capitalism and the state. This belief has been fueled by decades of neoliberalism and the constant reinforcement of the idea that capitalism is the only viable economic system. Anarchists need to challenge this narrative by highlighting the many ways in which capitalism and the state have failed to deliver on their promises of prosperity and security.
Jose-Antonio Orosco: I agree with you, Errico. Another challenge that anarchism faces today is the rise of authoritarianism and the erosion of democratic institutions. How can anarchism respond to this threat?
Errico Malatesta: I think anarchism has a lot to offer in this regard, Jose-Antonio. Anarchists have always been committed to the principles of direct democracy, decentralization, and community-based decision-making. By building grassroots movements and organizing from below, anarchists can help to create a society where power is distributed more evenly and everyone has a say in the decisions that affect their lives. Anarchists can also play an important role in resisting authoritarianism and defending democratic rights and freedoms.
Jose-Antonio Orosco: That's a great point, Errico. Finally, what advice would you give to young people who are interested in anarchism and want to get involved in building a better world?
Errico Malatesta: My advice would be to start where you are and work with others who share your values and aspirations. Join local organizations and grassroots movements, and be open to learning from others who may have different perspectives and experiences. Remember that anarchism is not just a set of ideas, but also a way of living and relating to others. By practicing solidarity, mutual aid, and direct action, we can begin to create the world we want to see.
#chatgpt #Anarchist #malatesta
Pan de pizza de larga fermentación, masa madre y harina eco.
#Malatesta #Ogia #EgunerokoPlazerra
#malatesta #ogia #egunerokoplazerra