Do you like to play with fire? Pyromancer is here to help. Even though it is not one of the starting classes in #EldenRing, it can be created nonetheless. Very quick and powerful build that takes #Malenia down quickly, efficiently and from a safe range. Easy and pleasant to play. Let's fire it up!
I didn't want to miss out on dagger build but also dragon powers in #EldenRing and my #Malenia challenge of a sort. I thought I have chosen the right combination for the job - fast dagger and painfully slow dragon magic. turned out okay, but chipping away Malenia's health with the Black Knife was underwhelming and using Dragon incantations was leaving me open for a long time. Nonetheless, I made it, so please enjoy!
Very close to my very first build, I wanted to test the Grafted Dragon that Godrick uses. It's rather unique #EldenRing fist weapon, with the same pitfall as some other interesting weapons. It's Ash of War animation is horribly slow. When used incorrectly during #Malenia fight, it can make a short work of you. Bear witness!
There are scythes in #EldenRing. Doesn't sound too exciting, does it? That's because they are not very interesting weapons. Quite fast, with small damage. Chipping #Malenia's health with a scythe was a chore which only bleed saved. I couldn't come up with anytghing interesting regarding them, maybe you will be able to?
Similar to Nox Flowing Hammer is Nox Flowing Sword. Those are the only two "flowing" weapons in #EldenRing. The sword doesn't have as much "stopping power" as the Hammer does. Even though both of those weapons are interesting, they can't be infused with any element or buffed by greases leaving them in a weird spot. #Malenia also didn't seem impressed.
Nox is an interesting faction in #EldenRing. They live underground in Nokron and Nokstella. They use specific, flowing weapons. It so happens that they can cheese #Malenia pretty easily, especially Nox Flowing Hammer, featured in this video.
I love how Malekith is designed in #EldenRing. Not only his character and story is amazing, but also his design is marvelous. As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, #Malenia has strong holy damage negation, but even she can't stand a chance against Destined Death!
#EldenRing is opened for many meme builds like for example this butt slam. Once you know every #Malenia move and can read it perfectly, there is nothing that can stop you... even the risk of impaling your buttcheeks on her blade.
Similar situation as to yesterday but taken to the extreme.
Axe of Godfrey provides a powerful Roar, though it is painfully slow. Very hard to make use of it agains very fast 2nd phase #Malenia. I can see it being used in other locations of #EldenRing though.
The real issue with fighting #Malenia, especially in the second phase is how quickly she executes her attacks. That makes use of a lot of weapons in #EldenRing very tricky. It makes their ashes of war very situational and not worth the risk in most situations.
In any case, that doesn't make those weapons any less cool. Enjoy Axe of Godrick fight.
I think that Commander Nial's design in #EldenRing is absolutely fantastic. I tried to recreate his build to take on #Malenia, though Commander's Standard besides providing buff is not very powerful weapon on its own. I've managed to do it nonetheless.
Astrology and gravity magic has a special place in #EldenRing. One of the more challenging bosses related to this is Fullgrown Fallingstar Beas, from which you can obtain its jaw as a weapon.
This armament is not tremendously effective agains #Malenia, but can sip through some ranged damage to make the fight slightly easier.
Very pleasant #EldenRing build. Nebula is more popular with Wing of Astel, though it works well with Bastard's Stars. Enjoy this interstellar #Malenia highlight.
How about mixing Radagon and Golden Mask?
The problem with fighting #Malenia while using holy focused weapons is that she, as well as most of the end-game bosses in #EldenRing, has high resistance to this type of damage. Nonetheless, it's doable.
Stop! Hammer time!
There is no necromancer class in #EldenRing, as it would probably defeat the whole purpose of the game, but we have some substitute. There is a weapon called Rostus' Axe, which Ash of War, Rostus's Summons call 3 skeleton to assist you with attack.
This is quite tricky to execute when fighting #malenia, due to really long time of cast. The only chance is to time it right so it staggers her a bit allowing for more blows to come.
Moving on with samurai builds in #EldenRing, Dragonscale Blade is one of few katanas that doesn't inflict bleed on its own. It is making it up by its amazing ash of war - Ice Lightning Sword, which imbues the sword with frostbide buildup and adding lightning damage. Pretty sick weapon and works amazingly well agains #malenia. Check it out.
One of the most popular builds in #EldenRing - Samurai with Moonveil katana. It is so powerful, that I have beaten #malenia with it the first try without any issues. It was also really ejoyable to play too. Have a look.
It took me uncomparably longer to get all the pieces of this build than to defeat #malenia with it. I've completed #EldenRing several times and I didn't know that Magma Blade is a drop only weapon, just like all pieces of Fire Monk Armour. It literally took me two days to gather everything but it was well worth it.
Magma blades melted through malenia perfectly and it was a pleasure to watch and play. I highly recommend this sword, though it requires a lot of effort to get... unless you're lucky.
Knights of Zamor are frost themed enemies in #EldenRing. They weild their Curved Swords that are inflicting frostbite on hit, but also come with huge disadvantage - they have very short range.
You can see how I struggle to land a hit on #malenia eventually dying... but still winning the fight.
As amazing and cool Godslayer's Greatsword is in #EldenRing, its ash of war - The Queen's Black Flame is way too slow to consistently fight #malenia. Nonetheless, the weapon itself is quite decent as it deals fire damage.