The Aggrieved Aggressor’s Handbook many powerful men use when caught out, according to Arwa Mahdawi:
Step one: claim she was asking for it.
Step two: cast yourself as the victim.
Step three: weaponize the women in your life.
Big man Luis Rubiales has his mother on hunger strike for him, and big man Spazzo Pezzola had his wife and mother in the courtroom pleading his case.
#MaleEntitlement #MalePrivilege #patriarchy #GenderRoles #men
#maleentitlement #maleprivilege #patriarchy #genderroles #men
Barbie and Ken make us question these assumptions about biology-based gender roles and male dominance and female subordination, and about the way many religious groups now want to depict biology-determined gender roles and the male right to rul as the very heart of religion — when it's not.
#Barbie #gender #GenderRoles #MaleDomination #MalePrivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
#barbie #gender #genderroles #maledomination #maleprivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
It's all about the complementarianism, the belief that male and female roles are biologically determined, with a creator God determining that males are dominant and females are submissive, males meant to rule and run things and females to obey and submit — and Barbie and Ken run smack up against all these assumptions.
#Barbie #gender #GenderRoles #MaleDomination #MalePrivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
#barbie #gender #genderroles #maledomination #maleprivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
Rick Pidcock, who grew up in a right-wing white evangelical family and was forbidden to watch "Toy Story" because its trailer featured a group of bikini-clad Barbies, explains why the patriarchy is hyperventilating over Barbie.
#Barbie #gender #GenderRoles #MaleDomination #MalePrivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
#barbie #gender #genderroles #maledomination #maleprivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
"Conversely, in 2022, Black women held just 1.1% of the top executive positions — six positions — but comprised 7% of the U.S. population. The situation is even worse for Hispanic women and Latinas, who 'comprised just 0.4% of named executive officers.' Hispanic women and Latinas are 'underrepresented by eighteenfold when compared with their share of the workforce.'"
#whiteprivilege #corporations #maleprivilege
"Conversely, Black people hold just 4.69% of the top executive positions in the S&P 100, even though they represent 13.6% of the U.S. population. 14 companies in the S&P 100 have top executive teams that are exclusively white.
This data does not reflect how much corporate America is still dominated by white men. In 2022, 69.61% of the top executive positions were held by white men, which is nearly double their share of the U.S. population."
#whiteprivilege #corporations #maleprivilege
#Woman (#NorahVincent) comes to understand man's plight. Is so broken by the #Bleakness of it she commits #Suicide.
#Feminism #Feminists #Feminist
#Female #FemalePrivilege
#Male #MalePrivilege
#RadicalFeminism #RadicalFeminist #RadicalFeminists
#Misogyny #Misandry #AssistedSuicide
#assistedsuicide #misandry #misogyny #radicalfeminists #radicalfeminist #radicalfeminism #maleprivilege #male #femaleprivilege #female #feminist #feminists #feminism #suicide #bleakness #NorahVincent #woman
#feminism versus so-called #maleprivilege
Damn bloody blokes!
Am listening to this podcast atm [pic], & both blokes keep speaking over the top of Grace Tame, shamelessly but shamefully.
Whoa, at 10.5 minutes, she got *almost* to the end of what she was saying, before they did it again.
#maleprivilege #womensrights #respectwomen
In this op-ed piece, I attempt to wade through a lot of the noise and distraction -- and get to the heart of why the term "woke" has become so controversial.
In the process, I clarify that "hyperwoke" is perhaps a better prefix-addition to distinguish illiberalism from the original meaning of "woke" --
#Politics #Culture #News
#Wokeness #Control #Behavior
#Society #American #Values
#Woke #Liberal #Democrats
#Progressive #Leftist #Socialist
#FarLeft #FarRight
#Conservative #Libertarian
#Republicans #Fascist
#Centrist #Moderate #Independent #Logic #Rational
#Censorship #Coercion #Thoughts
#Political #Fight #Controversial
#DEI #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion
#Equality #PoliticalCorrectness
#MAGA #BIPOC #Incel #Simp
#Sexism #Feminism #Masculinity
#Racism #WhitePrivilege
#Misogyny #MalePrivilege
#SystemicRacism #Microaggressions
#politics #culture #news #wokeness #control #behavior #society #american #values #woke #liberal #Democrats #progressive #leftist #socialist #farleft #farright #conservative #libertarian #republicans #fascist #centrist #moderate #independent #logic #rational #censorship #coercion #thoughts #political #fight #controversial #dei #diversity #equity #inclusion #equality #politicalcorrectness #maga #bipoc #incel #simp #sexism #feminism #masculinity #racism #whiteprivilege #misogyny #maleprivilege #systemicracism #microaggressions
I had a #Revelation.
People talk about #WhitePrivilege or #MalePrivilege or #StraightPrivilege
And even knowing that it is true, I struggled to really figure out what that privilege actually is, and how to tell it more succinctly.
The idea of being able to interact with police without fear? To get married without scrutiny? To not be looked at as a sex object?
#WhitePrivilege is just the right to be seen as #Normal
To be treated the way everyone should be treated.
#normal #straightprivilege #maleprivilege #whiteprivilege #revelation
To white men: 'Curiosity' is entitlement and privilege. A genuine connection means you listen to the other person and get to know them slowly over time, developing trust. 'Curiosity' is a way of violating that trust and violating boundaries. It is never a sign of interest. Real interest is cultivated with empathy and allowing the other person to disclose at their pace. #maleprivilege #whiteprivilege #hate #metoo #racism #bipoc
#maleprivilege #whiteprivilege #hate #metoo #racism #bipoc
@RuthZ Why is it that there are no penalties for men for causing unwanted pregnancies either? No penalties for irresponsible ejaculation. No mandatory vasectomies for boys? No laws regulating male sexuality unless it’s with another man?
#womensrughts #maleprivilege #trauma #rape #CDCFails #schoolgirl
#womensrughts #maleprivilege #trauma #rape #cdcfails #schoolgirl
When you use your #MalePrivilege that comes from passing as a #CisMan to individually call out women in a way that makes them a target for internet abuse you’re not helping the #NotAllMen case. What it has done is make me even more cautious about #MascCoded folk on the #LGBTQ community, not less. 6/7
#lgbtq #masccoded #notallmen #cisman #maleprivilege
#Feminism has opened my eyes to many of the things I take for granted as a dude, a.k.a. #MalePrivilege. Here's one of them - #manspreading. #FeministAsianDad
#feministasiandad #manspreading #maleprivilege #feminism
I shall shut up about this topic at least for a while now, but for anyone out there still thinking that #MRA’s and other critics of mainstream #feminism and of the concepts of #patriarchy and #maleprivilege are some kind of delusional misogynists amplifying trifles for the sake of controversy: please spend a few minutes reviewing the data (not opinion — data) contained here:
#mra #feminism #patriarchy #maleprivilege #men #boys #gammabias
“The U.S. and Russia agree: prepare #women and #children for safety; prepare #men for war. Women and children live; men die. #Maleprivilege?”
#women #children #men #maleprivilege
Today, on #maleprivilege news…
Holy "textbook #whiteprivilege" batman! (and #straightprivilege, and #cisprivilege, and #maleprivilege...)
#whiteprivilege #straightprivilege #cisprivilege #maleprivilege
Did you see the looks on the faces of the women sitting behind #Kavanaugh during yesterday’s hearing? I am sure such was the look on my face in response to his entitlement and belligerence. By showing his partisanship, he disqualified himself from the #SCOTUS, a sacred, nonpartisan, democratic institution. And, the look on his face is the rage of #WhitePrivilege and #MalePrivilege when such men are held accountable. #IBelieveSurvivors
#kavanaugh #scotus #whiteprivilege #maleprivilege #ibelievesurvivors