taste of taboo · @taste
817 followers · 1006 posts · Server kinkytaboo.online

darkdancinglady and a super weird incident

Today I had a wonderful shoot with DarkDancingLady. On our first set, this outfit made some weirdos in their car so angry that they yelled at us, spit on the model, which I didn't even notice when it happened because of the super loud street with many cars, and then they came back yelling at me and then sprayed me with lemonade. WTF. Just because we were doing these photos...later after we finished, three younger guys, maybe 15 or 16, who were on the side of the guys, insulted us, yelled at us and then threw stones at us...and yes, they even followed us.
What is wrong with the people?
I mean, this wasn't even such a naked outfit???

And yes, I also had incidents with ultra-German guys who punched our drone operator at a job that he bleed in his face... this was even with police (to protect us) etc. already on site... also had many accidents with "normal" people in South Germany etc... This was always a problem with guys and their weird masculinity...

#accident #incident #male #maleproblems #manly #man #masculinity

Last updated 1 year ago

dave martin · @Mountaineerdave
69 followers · 521 posts · Server mas.to

Lately, I decided to try a new brand of underwear after having used only for the five years or so. Unfortunately for the brand I tried, after a very busy day (that is not the busiest I’ve had in the last five years), I experienced chafing like I’ve not had the entire time I’ve been a man.
I’ll use them when I’m not scheduled to do anything, but it’s for me

#saxx #saxxunderwear #maleproblems #underwear #advertising

Last updated 1 year ago