i am currently in a zoom support group for #MaleSurvivors of #SexualVictimization. i would not be in this group had I known about this
(i'm asking the organizers to abandon zoom)
#malesurvivors #sexualvictimization
this frightens me. i'm a member of a zoom group of #MaleSurvivors and we talk about a lot of deeply personal and sensitive topics. is zoom listening to everything we say?
I've been blogging about my recovery as a #MaleSurvivors of #csa #ChildhoodSexualAbuse #CPTSD. It's a fun story about #nightmares #paranoia and the #sublime.
#malesurvivors #csa #childhoodsexualabuse #cptsd #Nightmares #paranoia #sublime
a quick search for #MaleSurvivor and #MaleSurvivors gets no results. i know search here is limited. so i intend to sporadically post content with those tags in the hope of connecting with other men who are survivors of #csa and #SexualVictimization
i was silent about my abuse for 30+ years. it was only after breaking that silence that i was able to heal
we are not alone. you are not alone. recovery is possible. healing happens. there is life #BeyondSurvival
#malesurvivor #malesurvivors #csa #sexualvictimization #beyondsurvival
does anyone know of any support groups or organizations in the Bay Area serving #MaleSurvivors of #SexualAbuse?
Seems a shame that there are not more male survivors of here, which I'd hoped would be the case, as we need a safer place to be
My most recent publication in the British Journal of #SocialWork calls attention to #heteronormativity & patriarchal constructions of #masculinity as important factors preventing men & boys from disclosing #ChildSexualAbuse. Available #OpenAccess. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcac073 #malesurvivors
#SocialWork #heteronormativity #masculinity #childsexualabuse #openaccess #malesurvivors