How China Demands Tech Firms Reveal Hackable Flaws in Their Products - Some foreign companies may be complying—potentially offering China’s spies hints for hack... - #security/cyberattacksandhacks #security/nationalsecurity #security/securitynews #maliciouscompliance #security
#maliciouscompliance #security
#Today in #MaliciousCompliance
The #cat somehow removed a small amount of #kitty litter from her box, and then pushed it into a neat little pile on the floor.
Which she then pooped on.
#today #maliciouscompliance #Cat #kitty
In what I hope is #MaliciousCompliance a school district in FL is requiring *every kid* to get a permission slip from their parents if they want to be called by anything other than what's on the school roll chart. (i.e., Bob or Rob instead of Robert)
Additionally, to prevent accidentally using the wrong pronouns, pronouns should be avoided as much as possible (Robert instead of he/him).
the teachers (ps) in florida won’t teach Shakespeare, lololol.
Everyone underestimates teachers, we have college degrees and know what your white favored sons need to get to the Ivies, my republican bros.
ever heard of #maliciouscompliance?
“Your password must be changed every 90 days”
Okay. I change literally 1 character in my 30-character password, because forcing password changes is just security theater.
@todayilearned @Texan_Reverend Time for a good old-fashioned work-to-rule then? #MaliciousCompliance
"The Court also ruled that colleges and universities may consider in admissions decisions “an applicant’s discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise.” We will certainly comply with the Court’s decision."
Supreme Court Decision - Harvard Admissions Lawsuit
Who could have guessed that a small army of Harvard Law professors would be tactically proficient at malicious compliance...
#news #scotus #affirmativeaction #college #harvard #law #laws #harvardlaw #maliciouscompliance
#News #scotus #affirmativeaction #college #harvard #law #laws #harvardlaw #maliciouscompliance
Wondering idly if a case could be made that legacy college admissions violate the something-or-other the same way that affirmative action does.
#SupremeCourt #MaliciousCompliance
#honestlynocluebutcurious #notalawyer #maliciouscompliance #SupremeCourt
#maliciouscompliance in the tech sector. AKA how to make a living ethically on unethical or immoral projects in IT.
1) Work on death march projects and do the best possible job from every angle.
2) Delay / jeopardize future developers' work by making unsound yet plausibly defensible architectural decisions
3) Include unmaintained open source projects as dependencies.
@AmishSuperModel those sample whiskey bottles are around 5cl, or 1.5oz. (one shot's worth at the bar)
They don't say how many bottles you can bring.
With all the subreddits fucking around I'm reminded my favorite sort of compliance is malicious compliance. #protest #reddit #maliciousCompliance
#protest #reddit #maliciouscompliance
Auf meinem 49€-Ticket in PDF Form steht "Den Barcode nicht knicken".
Da ich den zur Sicherheit auch als Papierform mitnehme, habe ich ihn wie ne Packungsbeilage in Medikamenten gefaltet (Bild)
Code ist innenliegend, geschützt und nicht geknickt 😂#MaliciousCompliance
It's time for some #maliciouscompliance. My new boss says to me when I come in early, "I don't condone coming in early." So I'm going to come in literally at 8:29:59. I know it takes about 3 minutes to get my laptop booted up so we'll see what she says when I am not ready on the dot. Thankfully I am past my probation so it's going to take them jumping through hoops to fire me. They're going to encourage me to quit instead. 😹
Alright Cox, you want detailed logs, in ascii text, in the body of the email? Here's 2 report *samples* at 3300 lines each, concatenated into the body of the email. Have fun with that.
Nothing like a little early morning lawn mowing to strike back against the late-mowing folk.
Hope y’all weren’t sleeping or anything. #maliciouscompliance