@mon4kooyong Labor here in SA too are showing very dark traits, with SA Premier Peter Malinauskas passing the fastest changes to the law ever in the history of Australia, to ban people from protesting against Santos, a company Peter's own brother works for... I didn't vote for this kind of conflict of interest and corruption, and still no sign over a year later from Peter's primary election promise of "fixing the ambulance ramping crisis" yet no sign of anything being done about it.. this is not the Labor I voted for, and never will again. #Auspol #SouthAustralia #MalinauskasHasToGo
#auspol #southaustralia #malinauskashastogo
"..Ambulance ramping at South Australia's hospitals has increased, with the state government blaming a rise in people presenting to emergency departments for the jump.."
Peter Malinauskas's message to the public was basically: "Well don't get sick then!"
#laborblamegame #malinauskashastogo #auspol
Peter Malinauskas made the promise to all South Australians 'to solve the ramping crisis' over a year ago, it was his primary election promise and is the sole reason he was elected, today, over a year later, nothing has been done and the ramping crisis is worse than ever, with elderly patients sitting on the floors, no pillows or even beds for some critically ill, and ambulance wait times sometimes breaching the 40minute mark.. Labor has failed SA.
#AusPol #LaborFail #MalinauskasHasToGo #AllPhotoOpNoSubstance
#auspol #laborfail #malinauskashastogo #allphotoopnosubstance
Yes, it's corruption plain and simple. Rob Malinauskas at Santos gives his brother Peter Malinauskas (SA Premier) a call and says "I don't like these protests, do us a favor..." and ol'Pete says "Leave it with me..", the following weekend badly written totalitarian 1984esque laws are rushed through at the speed of light (*laws* drafted and passed within a week, that's a world record!). Corruption and Collusion.. This is not the Labor Party I voted for, and I will NEVER vote Labor again.
#malinauskashastogo #auspol #collusion
And so dawns New Years Day '1984' in South Australia. How sad.
#AusPol #LaborCorruption #MalinauskasHasToGo #1984
#auspol #laborcorruption #malinauskashastogo