#Ukraine rejects Russian claims that it has launched a #counteroffensive in the #Donetsk region. Such reports should only distract from the #Russian losses near the city of #Bakhmut, Deputy Defense Minister Hanna #Maljar explained on Telegram. However, she confirmed "offensive actions" in some sectors of the front. At the same time, Maljar rejected the claim that this was part of a larger push.
#maljar #Bakhmut #Russian #donetsk #counteroffensive #Ukraine
"This is one of the bloodiest places on the front," #Zelenskyy said, describing the area around the two small towns that are part of Ukraine's defensive wall in front of the #Sloviansk and #Kramatorsk conurbations in the #Donetsk region.
Deputy Defense Minister Hanna #Maljar had previously reported that the situation in #Soledar, a neighboring town of #Bakhmut, was now very difficult.
#soledarholds #bakhmutholds #Soledar #UkraineRussiaWar #Bakhmut #maljar #donetsk #Kramatorsk #sloviansk #zelenskyy