#HyperCard - Catalog - #Malleable Systems Forum
@uliwitness definitiv was für Dich, oder?
Thanks https://hachyderm.io/@malleablesys/109910673333281354
¹ https://mro.name/ash36k3
Igrid sighed. "So, how do we break the curse?"
"That's where things get #malleable," Tan said, still pacing. "Assuming the Sea King placed both the curse *and* the ward, then only he can lift them."
"Or we kill him. That'll do, right?"
"You say that so lightly."
Some notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (5/...)
"From a scientific perspective, the #incoherence of racial categories is a weakness, undermining claims about the connection between biology and outcomes
But for political actors, #malleable racial categories are a strength, as the boundaries of inclusion and exclusion can expand or contract according to the needs of the powerful"
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory #incoherence #malleable