See a pattern? Great piece on a crucial issue: when climate actions kick back. If rich <-> rich clean-energy relationships bypass those still way down the energy-access and CO2-responsibility ladder, that's a problem. More on #malmitigation here:
RT @AmyAHarder
This is such an overlooked story>
As ric…
A vital #ActOnClimate reality check destroying #leapfrog fantasy arguments of so many #cleanenergy #energytransition “influencers.” Recalls my @columbiaclimate #sustainwhat chats on #energyjustice & #malmitigation 1/
RT @SonyKapoor
When we wave our arms & say #solarpv #wind #renewables cheapest in 80%-90% of the world now as an expression of optimism & ease of transition, we are also being disingenuous & failing to mention that this…
#ActOnClimate #leapfrog #cleanenergy #energytransition #sustainwhat #energyjustice #malmitigation #SolarPV #wind #renewables
Climate justice has to include post-fossil energy supply-chain justice. Otherwise #malmitigation is more than a hashtag.
RT @wang_seaver
Solar PV manufacturing remains linked to human rights abuses + enviro injustice in the Xinjiang region.
In a new @TheBTI report, co-authored w colleague @juzel_lloyd, we explain implications of unethical production + call for major supply chain shifts.…