#maltaisland ...la sua affascinante #bluelagoon . Un luogo che, a quanto pare, oltre al paesaggio, ha di bello anche le persone. Altro viaggio che resta nel mio cuore...
Which one is the smallest country in which you had vacation? 😍
#malta #maltaisland #gozo #gozoisland #unique #spot #hiddengem #secretplace #secretspot #maltalovers #maltaisland #gozoisland #gozomalta #visitgozo #spotyoulove #BeautifulPlace
#malta #maltaisland #gozo #gozoisland #unique #spot #hiddengem #secretplace #secretspot #maltalovers #gozomalta #visitgozo #spotyoulove #BeautifulPlace
This is how fast a fake news can spread out 😳 Don’t believe everything’s what’s on the internet 🙏🏻
#malta #russia #war #fakenews #fake #news #maltaisland #prevention #prévention
#malta #russia #war #fakenews #fake #news #maltaisland #prevention
Last full day in Malta, and remember painting this cliffside. And then spotting something similar in real life! #maltagram #maltaisland #malta #painting #art #acrylicpainter #Landscape
#Landscape #acrylicpainter #Art #Painting #Malta #maltaisland #maltagram
Peace at last.. A taste of Malta as I enjoy a vacation. What a treat to see a Caravaggio out of the blue at St. John's Co-Cathedral. #Vacationland #maltaphotography #maltaisland
#maltaisland #maltaphotography #vacationland
Malta has the highest syphilis infection rate in Europe
#malta #visitmalta #maltaisland #valletta #MGRM
#MGRM #Valletta #maltaisland #visitmalta #Malta
#malta #maltaphotography #lovemalta #visitmalta #gozo #maltagram #europe #lovinmalta #maltalovers #valletta #teatrumanoel #maltaisland #maltatoday #mediterranean #maltalife #gozoisland #sliema #maltagozo
#maltagozo #sliema #gozoisland #maltalife #mediterranean #maltatoday #maltaisland #teatrumanoel #Valletta #maltalovers #lovinmalta #Europe #maltagram #gozo #visitmalta #lovemalta #maltaphotography #Malta