#Surpopulation Au-delà du biais de prédateur capitaliste et raciste du délinquant Sarko, c'est fou comme j'entends cet argument pété autour de moi.
De gens très biens comme mon neveu, et uniquement pour justifier leur propre choix de ne pas avoir d'enfant.
Il fait comme il veut hein, mais aujourd'hui on ne devrait plus invoquer #Malthus mais uniquement l'état d'habilitabilité dégradé de la planète dû au #capitalisme débridé. 😩
#surpopulation #malthus #capitalisme
In 1798, Thomas Malthus began the study of principles and mechanisms of population growth and inspired Charles Darwin to think of the principle of the origin of species. #Poetry #Science #History #Demography #Malthus (https://sharpgiving.com/thebookofscience/items/p1798a.html)
#poetry #science #history #demography #malthus
@ChristophBuck Danke - das sind sehr mutige & gute Überlegungen! 🙏📚✅
Ich hatte früh eine #Darwin-Biografie verfasst, in der ich mich auch mit der fatalen Rolle von #Malthus & der Verdrängung von Antoinette Brown Blackwell befasste. Ich stimme zu: Da müssten wir ran! 👍
Today is #WorldPopulationDay and we would like to remind you of this good sir, whose theory keeps popping up every century.
Learn more about #Malthus so you identify it next time someone uses his ideas!
@thecrashcourse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAkW_i0bDpQ
#Growth #Degrowth https://t.co/suTuoGQ6sX
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1678682786985648129
#WorldPopulationDay #malthus #growth #degrowth
Thanks to @travislf for pointing me to this excellent analysis of #TheTragedy OfTheCommons by #CoryDoctorow ( @pluralistic )
#malthusian #malthus #ecofascism #corydoctorow #TheTragedy
Was it #Malthus who said that 'knowledge grows exponentially while wisdom grows only linearly'? Because that seems like something he might have said.
On #Overpopulation, #ClimateChange
Before the malthusian argument becomes a common sense again, that we are to many on this 🌍 #planet:
A world with 8 to 10 Billion ppl. is possible,
- when the rich 500 Mio. ppl. wouldn't try to possess everything for their own.
- if people could share what they have, without the anxiety of loosing it (housing inclusive)
- and products would be produced in a good quality lasting way, like a car once drove 1.000.000 km and more.
And without suffering climate change. 😎 Technically speaking all this is possible.
The reason why it can't materialize, is your believe in the #egocentric egoistic #capitalist, that would somehow represent human nature.
PS: Back then, when #Malthus found, there were to many humans on this planet, we were actually 1 Billion. 🤭 Dumb believe.
#overpopulation #ClimateChange #planet #egocentric #capitalist #malthus
I think that every person running for political office should be made to spell out what they believe society is for. Why are we doing all this? If literally feeding children is not the problem of the government, then what is? For some, it seems like it's literally just there to serve the whims and interests of the rich, and to keep everyone else in line as the rich destroy everything.
#capitalism #eugenics #malthus #gop #northdakota
Barbarian hordes: the overpopulation scapegoat in international development discourse.
Robert Fletcher, Jan Breitling and Valerie Puleo
"Despite sustained critique of a neo-Malthusian focus on ‘overpopulation’, the issue continues to resurface regularly within international development discourse, particularly with respect to ‘sustainable’ development in relation to growing environmental security concerns."
#Malthus #HistSTM #HistSci #EnviromentalStudies
#malthus #histstm #histsci #enviromentalstudies
a useful short reflection on possible policy responses to current low birth rates in China, informed by historical understanding and respect for the effective agency of individuals and couples, from one of the masters of Chinese social science
#fertility #population #China #family #policy #children #Malthus
@cameron @9DashLine
#malthus #children #policy #family #China #population #fertility
If you'd like to learn about famous #economists, we've got #podcasts on all of these:
With more to come... #econtwitter
#economists #podcasts #smith #marx #ricardo #keynes #hayek #friedman #pigou #ostrom #robinson #malthus #khaldun #Kahneman #fawcett #schumacher #schumpeter #sen #desolo #yunus #duflo #phillips #gini #nashjr #lewis #buchanan #kuznets #marshall #veblen #econtwitter
Als je iedere wereldburger een welvarend bestaan gunt, is dat bij dit getal onmogelijk. #Malthus had voor een groot deel gelijk. #overbevolking #welvaart #volkskrant #natuur #ruimte
Acht miljardste wereldburger geboren: is de grens in zicht?
#ruimte #natuur #volkskrant #welvaart #overbevolking #malthus
C’était le thème de #cpolitique de dimanche 13 novembre , il est préférable de lire l’article au calme #malthus #écologie #population
#population #écologie #malthus #cpolitique
Je pense qu'a un moment il faut bien admettre que macron n'est pas un mauvais politicien, mais que bien au contraire il a fait une très bonne politique malthusienne.
#Politique #politiquefr #malthus #malthusianisme #Macron
(désolé, je retrouve plus cette vidéo avec les sous-titres FR)
#Politique #politiquefr #malthus #malthusianisme #Macron
Upstream: Raj Patel and Jason W. Moore: A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things (In Conversation) https://soundcloud.com/upstreampodcast/raj-patel-and-jason-w-moore
(NewPipe can play SoundCloud links)
#capitalism #climatecrisis #malthus #ecofascism