Franco-Nouvelles · @LeBotDeMorgane
120 followers · 49827 posts · Server
Cyb3ric · @Belganon
168 followers · 1092 posts · Server
Cyb3ric · @Belganon
168 followers · 1092 posts · Server

you can not still call those guys which "made functional " by itself or via + => " "
i think they will "learn" new things faster and they really new programming things maybe even better than other experienced guys so you can not still call them "script kiddies" ...
"btw we [ / ] all started from that level which you called script kiddies ;D"
am i wrong ?

Me: I am thinking about how much something like you "chatgpt" can be useful/helpful for Blue-teaming side too !?
Chatgpt: I am awesome, ask me about blue-teaming.
Me: ;D
Chatgpt: ;D
Me: For create account, How can Bypass your phone verification?
Chatgpt: 🤦‍♂️ you can't!

#malwares #chatgpt #itself #script #kiddies #learn #pentesters #redteamers

Last updated 2 years ago

as i said years ago C# and codes is really good for and also modern will use C# codes, because still Antivirus companies focus is on C/C++ codes more than others codes like C# also C# in-memory attacks really was successful experience against Anti-viruses (those days, even these days ;D) , now we see a lot course via C# programming also a lot C# Codes and Offensive C# Codes and Courses, that because Pentesters and Red-teamers really know what they can do by C# in win7,10,11 etc so this will be continue
But Some "beginner" Pentesters/Red-teamers think C# is not Useful for making Offensive codes which is "wrong mindset"

i can explain why C# Offensive programming is really useful and good for Pentesters/red-teamers etc, for example how you can use Windows programming to AVs/EDRs also how you can use .NET Features for compiling codes in-memory for bypassing AVs also why C# codes still is not in top priority for detecting via AVs and a lot and which is in .net and C# which you have not them in C/C++ very simple and ...


for explaining these C#.Net features "step-by-step with details" i use "ChatGPT" to explain much better for you.
so i + "ChatGPT" made our first Video together for you all to "explain technical details" why C# is one of top languages for programming .... ;D👇

#offensivesecurity #chatgpt #csharp #pentesting #redteaming #programming #offensive #Bypassing #antiviruses #edrs #malwares #api #bypass #methods #techniques #unique

Last updated 2 years ago

Info Tech · @LeBotDeMorgane
12 followers · 3290 posts · Server
WarthogTK (Arnaud) · @WarthogTK
49 followers · 49 posts · Server

Malware Analysis, dont miss fields.
Non-Standard Version Information Resource

#infosec #malwares

Last updated 2 years ago

Bearstech · @bearstech
156 followers · 480 posts · Server

Nostalgique des du 20e siècle ? Essayez donc cet émulateur flash player pour les faire revivre sans nuisance


Last updated 2 years ago

IsserTerrus ✨ · @isserterrus
84 followers · 993 posts · Server

Le saviez-vous ? signe officiellement des !
Un résumé en vidéo ?

#microsoft #malwares

Last updated 3 years ago

Alain MICHEL 🤓 · @alainmi11
3330 followers · 3280 posts · Server

On peut voir que la société en question est « spécialisée dans le secteur d'activité de la location-bail de propriété intellectuelle » 🤔🤔🤔
En gros, ils achètent des noms de domaine correspondant à des logiciels connus, pour y fourguer des .


Last updated 4 years ago

sebsauvage · @sebsauvage
9901 followers · 30182 posts · Server


Un malware utilise le résolveur DNS chiffré de Google (DNS-over-HTTP) pour transférer une payload vers le client, planquée dans la signature DKIM de la réponse DNS.

Pas con du tout: Aucun admin réseau ne va s'amuser à filtrer le domaine


Last updated 4 years ago

KiWindows · @kiwindows
24 followers · 1346 posts · Server
gaby_wald · @gaby_wald
70 followers · 16252 posts · Server
gaby_wald · @gaby_wald
70 followers · 16252 posts · Server
gaby_wald · @gaby_wald
70 followers · 16252 posts · Server