#MammalHandsen Gift from the trees kasualitatez aurkitu nuen, baina gero eta gehiago entzun gustukoago dut. Saxo, piano eta bateriaz jotako kanta instrumentalak.
Oh well, the Brain DJ has gone awol this morning, so it's my choice –
Mammal Hands, "Labyrinth" (2023)
"Drawing on their love of electronic, contemporary classical, world, folk and jazz music, Mammal Hands take in influences including Pharoah Sanders, Gétachèw Mekurya, Terry Riley, Steve Reich and Sirishkumar Manji." (Gndwana Records)
Mammal Hands - CAPTURED SPIRITS (2020) und GIFT FROM THE TREES (#EbenErschienen)
Was zunächst vielleicht ein wenig beliebig beginnt, steigert sich schnell zu meditativ-ekstatisch-groovigen Höhen. Das ist wirklich mitreißend.
Das Konzert am Gründonnerstag in Berlin musste ich leider sausen lassen, da andere Aktivitäten geplant waren, ich hoffe aber, sie bald mal live zu hören.
#JordanSmart (sax) #NickSmart (p) #JesseBarrett (dr # tabla)
#trio #jazz #mammalhands #jessebarrett #nicksmart #jordansmart #EbenErschienen #reingehort
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #PacificNotions
Mammal Hands:
🎵 Sleeping Bear
#nowplaying #PacificNotions #mammalhands
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #TomRavenscroft
Mammal Hands:
🎵 The Spinner
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#nowplaying #bbc6music #TomRavenscroft #mammalhands
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #JToZ
Mammal Hands:
🎵 Nightingale
#nowplaying #JToZ #mammalhands
#albumdujour Animalia de Mammal Hands https://music.amazon.fr/albums/B09BBBHBG5?ref=dm_sh_ppcpBhm1RndXo57fJOJWjUpAv #jazz #MammalHands #music #musique
#albumdujour #jazz #mammalhands #music #musique
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #PianoFlow
Mammal Hands:
🎵 Being Here
#nowplaying #pianoflow #mammalhands
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TheJazzShowWithJamieCullum
Mammal Hands:
🎵 Nightingale
#nowplaying #TheJazzShowWithJamieCullum #mammalhands
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #NightTracks
Mammal Hands:
🎵 Nightingale
#nowplaying #NightTracks #mammalhands
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #ChrisHawkins
Mammal Hands:
🎵 The Spinner
#nowplaying #bbc6music #ChrisHawkins #mammalhands
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #NewMusicFix
Mammal Hands:
🎵 Nightingale
#nowplaying #bbc6music #NewMusicFix #mammalhands
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #PacificNotions
Mammal Hands:
🎵 Nightingale
#nowplaying #PacificNotions #mammalhands